Jupyter kernel installation independent of Python version number?

Rob Blackwell rob at robblackwell.com
Tue Jan 2 17:23:13 UTC 2018

I'm trying to use Jupyter with a Julia language kernel on FreeBSD 11.1 stable. The IJulia installer assumes that kernels are installed like this, but that doesn't seem to be the case on FreeBSD:

                jupyter -kernelspec <stuff>

As a workaround, I can use

                jupyter -kernelspec-3.6 <stuff>


                jupyter-kernelspec-3.6 <stuff>

But both of these require me to know the python version number (3.6) and this doesn't play well with automated installers such as IJulia build.jl. See https://github.com/JuliaLang/IJulia.jl/pull/606

Is there a way to install Python / Jupyter on FreeBSD where I get Python3.6, but I don't have to specify the version to Jupyter please? I suspect that in my naivety, there is a better way to install Python and Jupyter that specifies the required default version? In general, does anybody have any introductory material or tips on setting up a modern Python3 development environment with Jupyter, Matplotlib etc on FreeBSD post FLAVORs please?



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