lang/python3* ports, __pycache__ included

Marcus von Appen mva at
Mon Dec 12 22:12:49 UTC 2016

Hi Kyle,

On 12/12/2016 7:54:18 PM, "Kyle Evans" <kevans91 at> wrote:

>Out of curiosity, is there a specific reason that the lang/python3*
>ports all include various __pycache__ bits while these were not
>present, at least, in lang/python27?
this is a python3 specific change in how python deals with optimized 
bytecode files.
We ship .pyc/.pyo files for python2 ports and __pycache__ bits for 
python3, so there
is no change in packaging behaviour except from "sticking to the 

>I ask because this seems to be a decent amount of fat added to the
>resulting packages that I'd rather not have in the environments of
>some personal applications I am developing, and I don't particularly
>see a need that they these directories need to stick around. Space is,
>unfortunately, an issue that I worry about. =)
Few years ago, we already had an idea about that. You can read it at If space is a major 
for you (but a small drawback in runtime performance is not), let us 
so we put it up on the agenda (again).


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