Installing python2 and python3 alongside one another

Johannes Jost Meixner johannes at
Wed Dec 7 11:45:08 UTC 2016


I'm currently faced with a situation where for some reason I need both
py2.7 and py3.5 on my system - 3.5 to do the actual work and 2.7 because
supervisord doesn't run on 3.

Is there a good way of installing both alongside another?

By default they seem to conflict at least on


I'd be glad for any illumination (also, I had thought we'd already
solved this issue a few years ago).


What happens when you try to install py-supervisor from ports on a
system that otherwise has a working 3.5 setup . . .

===>  Installing for py27-setuptools27-28.1.0
===>  Checking if py27-setuptools27 already installed
===>   Registering installation for py27-setuptools27-28.1.0 as automatic
Installing py27-setuptools27-28.1.0...
pkg-static: py27-setuptools27-28.1.0 conflicts with
py35-setuptools35-28.1.0 (installs files into the same place).
Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/easy_install

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