Python on FreeBSD is slower than on Linux

Philip M. Gollucci pgollucci at
Thu Nov 12 20:40:21 UTC 2015

Most likely its /dev/random or gettimeofday being slow which have nothing
to do with Python.

On Thursday, November 12, 2015, Vladimir Bogrecov <bogrecov at>

> Hello,
> I'm developing a little project on Python 3.5. The server's operating
> system is FreeBSD 10.2. Today I decided to do a little test "just for fun"
> and the result has confused me. I ran the following code
> import random
> import time
> def test_sort(size):
>     sequence = [i for i in range(0, size)]
>     random.shuffle(sequence)
>     start = time.time()
>     ordered_sequence = sorted(sequence)
>     print(time.time() - start)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     test_sort(1000000)
> on FreeBSD 10.2 x64 and on Debian 8 x64. Both computers was the smallest
> (5$ per month) virtual machines on the Digital Ocean (
> The average result on the FreeBSD was 1.5
> sec, on the Debian 1.0 sec. Both machines was created specially for test
> and had not any customization. Could you help me to understand why python
> is so slower on FreeBSD and may be there are some steps I can perform to
> speed up the python to work not slower than on Debian.
> I have found in Google the similar question:
> so
> it has an interest not only for me.
> P.S. I really like FreeBSD and I would be happy to solve this issue. If you
> will have an interest to this issue I can provide SSH access for both
> machines :)
> Thank You!
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Philip M. Gollucci (pgollucci at c: 703.336.9354
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