ipython / numpy / scipy weirdness

John W. O'Brien john at saltant.com
Wed May 27 11:15:07 UTC 2015

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On 5/27/15 1:41 AM, Johannes Jost Meixner wrote:
> On 05/26/2015 16:00, John W. O'Brien wrote:
>> On 5/22/15 9:57 PM, Johannes Jost Meixner wrote:
>>> Trying my hand at Data SCIENCE (tm) with a combination of
>>> ipython notebooks and numpy/scipy, I seem to have stumbled upon
>>> weirdness we already considered fixed:
>>> ImportError: /lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version GCC_4.6.0 required by 
>>> /usr/local/lib/gcc48/libgfortran.so.3 not found
>>> Supposedly, we have a commit to show for fixing it in 
>>> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports?view=revision&revision=369447,
>>> and yet... I can't get numpy nor scipy to work *without* the
>>> following:
>> [patch]
>>> % ipython notebook     (new site opens in a browser)
>>> create a notebook write into it, 'import numpy' write into it,
>>> 'import scipy
>>> run the notebook (hit the 'play' button)
>> I am afraid to say that I fail to reproduce this problem.
>> % ipython --no-banner
> I can't produce it with the console. Only with `ipython notebook` and
> entering those then within a browser. Could you try that?

Yes. In fact, I did it that way first, and then on the console. For what
it's worth, I only have headless boxen at the ready, so the other run
looked like this:

    fbsd% ipython notebook --no-browser --port=8080

    osx% ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 fbsd

    [open http://localhost:8080/ in browser on osx]

It's curious that you see different results between the console and
browser front-ends. I don't know enough about the ipython architecture
to infer useful next steps, but that seems significant.


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