Python Subprocess Crontab Problem

Chris Wojo polishdev at
Wed Jun 10 21:34:08 UTC 2015

crontab isn't using a PATH for your specified user, so you need to give an absolute path.

---- On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 14:02:06 -0700 Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc at> wrote ---- 

On Wed, Jun 10 
> Here is how I'm calling the script in crontab: 
> PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin 
I can't remember offhand, but I don't think you can do that. 
I think you may need to fully specify the PATH instead of using $PATH. 
> errors = open('/home/myuser/error', 'wb') 
> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: 
> tempthing = os.path.join(tmpdirname, thing) 
> fh = open(tempthing, 'wb') 
> fh.write(b'123') 
> fh.close() 
> zipname = '{}.zip'.format(thing) 
> ziptempfile = os.path.join(tmpdirname, zipname) 
Can you add right here: 
 print("PATH: %s" % os.environ['PATH'], file=errors) 
and see what the PATH is in your errors file? 
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