Marcus von Appen mva at
Sun Jan 26 11:30:29 UTC 2014

On, Sun Jan 26, 2014, Ruslan Makhmatkhanov wrote:

> Hi,
> while PYDISTUTILS_AUTOPLIST works smoothly for majority of ports, there
> is the problem with some of them I come across yesterday. For example,
> there is the port devel/py-Products.PasswordResetTool. If I set there
> PYDISTUTILS_AUTOPLIST, and try to build, I got packaging error, because
> some of the files, that port provides, cannot be compiled (by design).
> While they are python code files, they are not supposed to be executed
> with python interpreter directly (they are kind of templates).
> So, is there any possibility to:
> a) Do not add compiled/optimized filenames to packing list, if the
> actual file fails to compile?
> b) Make a hook, that allows to list file, that should not have
> corresponding *.pyc/*.pyo entries in the packing list?

If the port uses distutils, it should not matter, if you do not mess around in
the post-install targets yourself, since the file list will be taken from what
distutils records - we do not implement magic ourselves for distutils-aware
ports (well, a bit :-).
If this does not work properly for you, upstream might do something that
breaks the intended behaviour of distutils.

So, before fixing the symptom, I actually would like to find out, what exactly
they do on installation. Are all files properly recorded in ${_PYTHONPKGLIST}?
What errors do you get, what does the install target complain about, etc.etc.?

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