ports/182332: python packages install packed eggs which makes them unusable for running services

Kubilay Kocak koobs.freebsd at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 04:23:12 UTC 2013

Hi Volodymyr,

While it is a desirable (and planned) long-terms goal to have consistent
behaviour in the ports tree, there is not *yet* a formal or specific
documented policy regarding Python module packaging in FreeBSD.

A number of maintainers *do* however, make changes to upstream modules
by explicitly setting zip_safe=False in setup.py, or overriding the use
of setuptools with plain-old distutils, resulting in the module being
installed uncompressed.

For those modules or ports that *dont* currently do this such as
www/trac, the end-user *can* use the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment
variable that points to a writable area of the filesystem to address the

In short, I recommend that this PR be changed, assigning it to the
maintainer of the www/trac port for follow-up and resolution.

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