Dealing with 2.7 and 3.3 installations

David Demelier demelier.david at
Mon Jul 29 08:00:40 UTC 2013


At the moment, it's very hard to install python 2.7 and 3.3 because of
the unification of the python ports. Also, pkgng will not let the user
install both the 2.7 and 3.3 version of the interpreter because it
will conflicts on several files such as /usr/local/bin/python for

What I would like to propose, is to remove the non-versioned binaries such as :


This should completely be removed from every version's pkg-plist. Then
we can create temporarly symlink in the pkg-install script if they are
not present.

This will allow the installation of python 3.3 and python 2.7 at the same time.

I'm currently working on a implementation of interpretor selection. So
in the future we will be able to select the interpreter for python,
ruby and other interpreted languages. This is highly based on eselect
from gentoo.


Demelier David

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