ports/180889: [MAINTAINER] math/py-pandas: Update to 0.12.0
John W. O'Brien
john at saltant.com
Sat Jul 27 14:26:07 UTC 2013
- test_banklist_url (pandas.io.tests.test_html.TestReadHtmlBase)
- test_multiple_matches (pandas.io.tests.test_html.TestReadHtmlBase)
- test_pythonxy_plugins_table (pandas.io.tests.test_html.TestReadHtmlBase)
- test_spam_url (pandas.io.tests.test_html.TestReadHtmlBase)
I suspect that the redports tests that generate errors where _parse()
raises "ValueError: Invalid URL" are caused by failure of the underlying
use of urllib2 to respect the HTTP_PROXY environment that redports uses.
I tried wrapping the nosetests with
env http_proxy=$HTTP_PROXY [...]
with no effect. Suggestions are welcome.
- test_pytables_native_read (pandas.io.tests.test_pytables.TestHDFStore)
This is somewhat more concerning, but it may be a problem with the
devel/py-tables soft dependency.
- test_read_dta10 (pandas.io.tests.test_stata.StataTests)
- test_stata_doc_examples (pandas.io.tests.test_stata.StataTests)
- test_write_dta5 (pandas.io.tests.test_stata.StataTests)
- test_write_dta6 (pandas.io.tests.test_stata.StataTests)
These tests generate errors on my system when I run the suite from a
non-privileged user account. Initial analysis indicates that the tests
try to write to a file inside the test data directory
which is clearly bad behavior. I will report this upstream and supply
any patch that results to this port. In the mean time, these are
harmless errors.
I will continue to investigate these test errors and supply additional
patches as appropriate. Assistance of any kind is welcome. For the time
being, I believe that the upgrade is in good shape to ship.
Thank you,
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