The state of packages based on Python ports

Paul Hoffman phoffman at
Wed Feb 1 01:37:55 UTC 2012

On Jan 31, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Mark Linimon wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 04:24:24PM -0800, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> Nearly all of the packages in the packages system for Python-related
>> ports are for Python 2.6 *only*.
> er, you'll have to tell me where you're seeing this? /pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-8.2-release/All

AllLines = open("8.2.listing.txt", "r").readlines()
print("Total lines: " + str(len(AllLines)))
py26count = 0
py27count = 0
py3count = 0
for ThisLine in AllLines:
	if "py26" in ThisLine:
	elif "py27" in ThisLine:
	elif "py3" in ThisLine:
print ("2.6: " + str(py26count) + "\n2.7: " + str(py27count) + "\n3: " + str(py3count))

Total lines: 21437
2.6: 822
2.7: 0
3: 2

(FWIW, the two packages with py3 are py31-postgresql-1.0.2.tbz and py31-tkinter-3.1.3_3.tbz)

> I checked on pointyhat, on a recent i386-8 build for 8-STABLE:
> $ pwd  
> /dumpster/pointyhat/i386/archive/errorlogs/a.8.20120118070557
> $ ls py* | wc -l
>    1199
> $ grep BUILD_DEPENDS py* | grep python24 | wc -l
>       2
> $ grep BUILD_DEPENDS py* | grep python25 | wc -l
>       3
> $ grep BUILD_DEPENDS py* | grep python26 | wc -l
>       2
> $ grep BUILD_DEPENDS py* | grep python27 | wc -l
>    1179
> $ grep BUILD_DEPENDS py* | grep python3 | wc -l
>       5
> So, I'm confused?

I'm not sure what the error logs in pointyhat are referring to.

--Paul Hoffman

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