OSHA Announces Record Fines

David Trainer david at oshacomp.org
Thu Jul 31 08:43:48 UTC 2008

OSHA 30 hr and Compliance Software only $99   

July 28th 2008

OSHA Announces Record Fines & Compliance Assistance

OSHA Issued over 8 Million Dollars in fines this week for safety violations.

"I am outraged companies would show a complete disregard for its employees'
safety by knowingly placing them in an extremely dangerous work environment,"
said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Edwin G.
Foulke Jr.

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) is taking new steps to combat the rise in construction fatalities, over
100 employees have died in construction-related accidents since January.

OSHA is bringing additional inspectors to conduct proactive inspections of
construction sites. 

"There is no one - among regulators, employers, employees, unions and trade
associations - who will accept these lost lives as the byproduct of work in a
dangerous industry," said Louis Ricca Jr. OSHA's regional administrator.

New standards were effective in March and more are scheduled in August &
November 08 and even more in 2009.
Update your ompanies training, certification and safety program to avoid
inspections, citations and most importantly accidents.

Using a consultation service largely funded by the U.S. Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), employers can find out about potential
hazards at their worksites, improve their occupational safety and health
management systems, and even qualify for a one-year exemption from routine
OSHA inspections.

Click Here Now


Free Osha 30 Hr

For Trade Association & Chamber of Commerce Members
Subscribe to the training and compliance service and receive a new OSHA 30 Hr
1 OSHA 30 hr certification course & certification bi-annually
Discounts for additional employees
1 OSHA Compliance Software Set Including: Over 400 Weekly Training Lessons &
Topics in English & Spanish & A Program to create Jobsite Specific Safety
Programs & Manuals in approximately 10 minutes. 
1200 Signs and Lockout Tags (OSHA & ANSI COMPLIANT)
1 OSHA Poster
Monthly Updates & Notices

Using a consultation service largely funded by the U.S. Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), employers can find out about potential
hazards at their worksites, improve their occupational safety and health
management systems, and even qualify for a one-year exemption from routine
OSHA inspections.
$99 per month. 1 month required to qualify for the free OSHA 30 HR
Certification. Once you have tried the software for 1 month continue with the
program or cancel at anytime. 

You must subscribe by August 1st, 2008

Click Here

Subscribe  http://oshacomp.com

Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training Program

OSHA announces Outreach training for disaster response workers.

The Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training Program meets a recognized training

For workers who will provide skilled support or clean-up services at disaster
To raise awareness of management and labor that pre-incident training is
essential for ensuring disaster site worker safety and health. 

This program is intended to assist employers, workers, and others as they
strive to improve workplace health and safety. It is not possible to include
discussion of everything necessary to ensure a healthy and safe working
environment in a course of this nature. Thus, this information must be
understood as a tool for addressing disaster site workplace hazards, rather
than an exhaustive statement of an employers legal obligations, which are
defined by statute, regulations, and standards.

Subscribe below and you will receive one certification course and will have
the option to purchase more for additional employees.

Click Here Now














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If you ever need ay further assistance simply visit oshacomp.org. This is not
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OSHACOMP.ORG -  PO Box 400626 - Las vegas - NV - 89140

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