freebsd ports

Iguimar Antônio Fernandes iguimar at
Sun Jan 20 04:34:02 PST 2008

Hi I have a motherboard p5p, processor amd64, freebsd 6.2 updated to 
6.3. I make all operation to get updated the system, as follow below:

1) cd /usr/src
2) make buildworld
3) cd /sys/i386/conf
4) config <my-kernel>
5) cd ../compile/<my-kernel>
6) make depend && make && make install
7) reboot
8) Choice "Single User Mode"  option (4)  from Menu
9) login as root
10)mergemaster -p
11)cd /usr/src
12)make installworld
15)login as root
16)portupgrade -a

Everything works fine. But when a tried compile some ports, (vscan, 
courier-imap for example), I receive the following error message:  
"courier-imap-4.3.0,1 is marked as broken: "Incomplete pkg-plist", 
"*uvscan-5.10e_2* is marked as broken: "Incomplete pkg-plist" 
uvscan-5.10e_2 is marked as broken: Incomplete pkg-plist. Other ports 
works good.
Do you have any ideia.
I will apreciate any help.

 Iguimar Antônio Fernandes
 Gerente de Redes - Analista B
 Embrapa Arroz e Feijão
 Cx. Postal 179 - CEP 75375-000
 Santo Antônio de Goiás - GO
 Fone: (62) 3533-2146, 3533-2147

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