Getting started with python ports

Francisco Reyes lists at
Sun Dec 3 19:44:36 PST 2006

I would like to learn to make Python ports.
Going over the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook and it seems more geared towards C.

Anyone knows of a good intro to ports.. geared towards creating ports for 
Python apps? In particular I may have some ports which will be just to be 
used in the place I work to have some programs easily installed across a 
number of servers.

Alternatively, any ports that anyone believes are simple enough to use as 
samples would be just as good. So far the programs I have made for work are 
fairly simple (ie just a single file with no dependencies). However, as 
python becomes more widely used at work I may need to have some dependencies 
loaded for my scripts to work.. so I figured I would start learning how to 
work with python ports early. 

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