problem upgrading to python-2.4.2 using port

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Sat Nov 12 12:58:47 PST 2005

moron wrote:
[ ... ]
> Is there any major difference between "make update" and running cvsup directly 
> (as instructed to in the FreeBSD handbook)?

No, not really.  You can hook them together (along with doing "make update" in 
/usr/src, too), via this in /etc/make.conf:

# season to taste
SUP_UPDATE=     yes
SUP=            /usr/local/bin/cvsup
SUPFLAGS=       -g
SUPFILE=        /etc/stable-supfile
PORTSSUPFILE=   /etc/ports-supfile

...or wherever you keep you supfiles.  If nothing else works, you might 
consider deleting the ports tree you have and checking a fresh one out.


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