Plone 2.0.4 and user roles change problem
Massimo Masson
massimo at
Sun Nov 7 01:40:22 PST 2004
Hi everibody,
I've just upgraded my Plone installation.
I'm running:
FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p3, Zope 2.7.2, Plone 2.0.4 installed via ports
with all dependencies...
Well, everything seems working.
The only problem i seem to have now is that after creating a new Plone
user, when i go to the ZMI to change his roles (as a manager of the
site, or manager of a higher level of my zope tree), such as adding a
"reviwer" role or so, and after pressing the "change" button i get the
following error message:
> Errore del Sito
> Tentando di soddisfare la tua richiesta, sono occorsi degli errori:
> Tipo di errore
> TypeError
> Valore dell'errore
> _updateUser() got an unexpected keyword argument 'name'
> Richiesta fatta il
> 2004/11/07 10:46:49.288 GMT+1
(Sorry for the non-translated error message)
Google has not been such a friend this time, as i already searched info
wihithout success.
The user is managed by "GRUF v.3.0Beta1", as per default installation.
I need this feature but i don't know how to solve... has anyone had the
same problem?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
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