Preparation for Plone2

Khairil Yusof kaeru at
Tue Jan 20 10:13:37 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 11:42 -0500, Tim Middleton wrote:

> But then what if you have multiple instances you want to share third party 
> products? You can't cleanly install multiple 3rd party zope packages into 
> different instance homes simultanously from ports. Now you have to choose ... 
> either one of the instances or zope's main product directory.

I think the issue is similar to Apache/PHP/CGI ports, and it might have
been discussed before.

Those ports all have compile time options for changing install directory
(lets say zope instance dir).

But they do not have ability to install multiples of the same ports with
different install directories (or instances), which is the root of our problem.

Is it because current ports system, cannot handle this situation well?

Might be worth asking this to ports@


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it

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