Preparation for Plone2

Khairil Yusof kaeru at
Tue Jan 20 08:16:43 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 11:09 +0100, Filippo Natali wrote:

> I created a plone-devel port for upcoming Plone 2, but I never sent a pr because
> I tought it was unnecessary :)

Cool. This exactly why python@ is needed (so that we can coordinate

> This ports checks if the Products needed by Plone are already installed (from
> the ports or manually) and installs only those that are missing.

Ok that's good. I'll try to finish the rest of the ports required by
Plone2 within a day from now.

> I think I'll add a switch to choose if a Product must be installed from those
> bundled with Plone or from ports as a dependancy.

I agree with this approach. 

> might be a good place for publicising our efforts and this list :)

Be my guest :).. 

Somebody submit some news that, we're trying to organize the zope/plone/
python ports, and that they should sign up for the python at to
submit feedback.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it

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