
Khairil Yusof kaeru at pd.jaring.my
Mon Feb 23 15:32:11 PST 2004

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 15:40 +0100, Sebastien Gioria wrote:

> I'm searching some links to best tune my FreeBSD systems
> for python/zope/plone optimization.

George Donnelly would know more about this. ;) 

Right now I don't think there are FreeBSD specific links.

FreeBSD specific, until Zope 2.7 and Plone 2.0 make it into the ports,
it's better to install them from source. Both versions in the ports, are
deprecated, and Zope 2.6 is using an old version of python (2.1) which
is generally slower.

If you have an SMP machine, run multiple ZOE clients per machine to
match the CPU number.

The main speed improvements are not FreeBSD specific. Namely using
apache/squid as a front end http accelerator (cache) and using ZOE to
cluster your servers.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it

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