Zope 2.6.4 vs 2.7

Tim Middleton x at Vex.Net
Mon Feb 16 21:36:48 PST 2004

On Monday 16 February 2004 17:07, Hye-Shik Chang wrote:
> Also I'm very curious about that Zope 2.7 is ready for Python 2.3
> or 2.2 even. ;-)

Yes, Zope 2.7 finally runs on python 2.3. This is one of the best reasons for 
moving to zope 2.7!

2.7 is very similar to 2.6 functionally; but somewhat different in its install 
layout. While you can install zope 2.7 "in-place" (more similar to 2.6), it 
prefers to install itself more like a library, and then run from an 
"instance" directory. It also now has a config file (zope.conf), and a 
control program (zopectl). 

> You would need to talk with nbm, the current maintainer about it
> before working on it.

I had some hopes the maintainer would be around here somewhere perhaps. (-:

Tim Middleton | Cain Gang Ltd | I'd ha' been a better man all my life if
x at veX.net     | www.Vex.Net   | I'd known there were things like this. (CSL)

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