Splitting elements on a line?

Max Russell max_russell2000 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 24 07:47:53 PDT 2004

If I have a file made up of lines like this:

one two three
four five six
seven eight nine

how can I read the individual items into a lit, so
that I do not get each list item consisting of
something like:
"one two three"

Currently I have this:
import os, os.path, random
filename = ("C:\list.txt")
file = open(filename,"r")
word_list = file.readlines()
print word_list

# output from this program has format ['one two
three\n', 'four five six']
# therefore- need to split each item into individual
# also- need to remove whitespace and newline


Would I perform a split after all of the above?

Would I be better performing the split before reading
the items into the list?


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