startfile() equivalent
Joe Koberg
joe at
Thu Aug 19 09:30:39 PDT 2004
Max Russell wrote:
>Also- I do not launch x-mame from the GUI, I use a
>script (in Perl) to select and choose my game of
>choice. So I suppose what I am looking for is
>something that allows me to use a *nix system command
>from within a Python script.
If you just want to launch a command:
import os
os.system('unix shell command here')
If you need the stdin/stdout/stderr channels from the process you launched,
to communicate with it over stdio:
import os
stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3('unix shell command here')
# now you can do i.e. stdin.write('data going to program')
If you want the new process to replace your python process (exec):
import os
os.execvp(programname, (arg1, arg2, arg3, ...))
# os.execvp doesn't return - so you'll never reach this comment
If you want to start the process and wait around for its return value:
import os
returnval = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, programname, (arg1, arg2, ...))
or if you want to start it and get its PID immediately:
import os
pid = os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, programname, (arg1, arg2, ...))
Thanks for using Python and FreeBSD!
Joe Koberg
joe at osoft dot us
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