hpilo in FreeBSD

Ulf Zimmermann ulf at Alameda.net
Tue May 18 07:49:44 UTC 2010

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:37:55AM +0400, Pavel Timofeev wrote:
> > Red Hat 5.5 (and CentOS 5.5, respectively) contains a driver for iLO, which
> is
> > called hpilo.
> Yes, I`m sure.
> > And I just checked RedHat EL5 Update 5, there are no packages included
> > which start with hp.
> Excuse me, please, I forgot to say the main thing: this is not package, this is
> kernel module (I previously called it 'driver')!
> Sorry for confusion!
> for example:
> /sbin/modprobe hpilo

Ok, the kernel module is there:

itrepofrmt01 root mnt/Server # rpm -q -l -p kernel-2.6.18-194.el5.i686.rpm | grep -i ilo

This kernel is also provided by the hp-ilo rpm from HP. This rpm also provides
a source code to rebuild the module. So it could be used to port it to FreeBSD.
But the ilo module is not the only thing to manage a HP server. There are
other programs and items, which make the whole management suite. But for the
other stuff, not everything is provided with source.

Regards, Ulf.

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
You can find my resume at: http://www.Alameda.net/~ulf/resume.html

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