Running hpasm on DL380 G4 on FreeBSD 7.2 amd64

Grzegorz Bystrzyński grzegorz.bystrzynski at
Fri Oct 2 08:28:00 UTC 2009

I am running FreeBSD 7.2 amd64 on a Proliant DL380 G4. I downloaded 
hpasm 7.22 from the website, tweaked the INSTALL file so it could be 
installed. I also installed compat6x and 5x. Now, when I try to do 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start the deamon does not start. In 
/var/log/messages a following message appears:

Oct  2 10:04:55 wolf hpasmd[62376]: ProLiant System Health Daemon 
loading (v7.22-FreeBSD)

But ps auxww|grep hpasmd shows nothing.
When I try to run hpasmcli it quits with a segmentation fault. A message 
appears in /var/log/messages:

Oct  2 10:05:06 wolf kernel: pid 62385 (hpasmcli), uid 0: exited on 
signal 11 (core dumped)

Is there any way that I can run hpasm on the setup above? Or is there 
any other way that I can read fan speed and temperature?

Thank you,
Grzegorz Bystrzyński

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