HP DL140 G3 and FreeBSD amd64 unexpectings hangs

Oleg Gawriloff barzog at telecom.by
Thu Aug 6 08:06:20 UTC 2009

We have about 20 HP DL140 G3, about 90% of them have FreeBSD amd64 
installed (all 7.2-RELEASE). Sometimes (minimum once per week) all of 
amd64 boxes hangs: does not react on keyboard/mouse, does not ping. On 
console - black screen. On i386 or Linux we don't have any problems. If 
I move HDDs with BSD to HP DL160 - all works perfectly. The problem was 
detected on all version of 6.x and 7.x release-branch. Anyone is 
experiencing some problems? Any solution available?
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