Installation trouble with HP Proliant ML110 G5

Josep Pujadas i Jubany josep at
Mon Mar 31 01:22:51 PDT 2008


I'm trying to install 7.0 in a new HP Proliant ML110 G5.

This box has only 6 SATA connections (CD & HD are SATA), not IDE interfaces.

FreeBSD 7.0 CD1 (i386) starts but stops with an error:

ad0: 238475MB <Seagate ST3250620NS 3BJP> at ata0-master SATA150
acd0: DVDR <HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H60L/E904) at ata2-master SATA150
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retraying (1 retry left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retraying (0 retries left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG timed out 
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retraying (1 retry left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retraying (0 retries left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG timed out
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retraying (1 retry left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retraying (0 retries left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG timed out

I tested other situations:
* Acer machine with CD SATA --------> Same problem.
* Other HP machine with IDE CD -----> No problem.
* HP Proliant ML110 G5 with
  FreeBSD 6.2 CD1 (i386) -----------> No problem.
* HP Proliant ML110 G5 with
  FreeBSD 6.3 CD1 (i386) -----------> No problem.
I made a Google search and there are people with similar problem:
I tried to change my BIOS settings and/or use no-ACPI boot. Same problem.

I went outside for more than one hour and when I returned sysinstall was 
launched. So, retraying the CD unit for a longtime worked (?).

I made my installation but I found two more problems:

* On-board NIC was not detected:

# dmesg | grep pci14
pci14: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib4
pci14: <network, ethernet> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)

* shutdown -r now did'nt restart the system. The system was blocked at:

All buffers synced. 
Uptime: 56m6s

Same problem with NIC detection and machine reboot if I install 6.2 or 6.3 
in this machine (ML110 G5). I have many ML110 G4 working with 6.2 without 

Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

Josep Pujadas

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