hpasmcli locks up a DL380G3

Mike Holloway mikhollo at cisco.com
Tue Mar 7 11:44:26 PST 2006


Adding the -i switch did indeed prevent the machines from rebooting  
after terminating a hung hpasmd, felt like a countdown timer was  
reaching 0 a minute or so after terminating the process and ASR was  
generating an NMI and rebooting the server.  Unfortunately the hpasmd  
process hung on all 6 test machines within 48 hours of starting it,  
so something about freebsd 6.0 and/or the dual xeon setup is  
confusing hpasmd and it just stops working after a random interval  
(2-48 hours in our case).  Our development team has put a hold on  
deploying hpasmd to the servers because of it's instability with  
respect to FreeBSD.  I wish HP would just put out the source so that  
we could have a go at it.  I'm guessing that your port of the tool to  
freebsd was a skunkworks project that never gained internal traction  
at HP?


On Mar 1, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Mike Holloway wrote:

> Thanks, I'll give your recommendations a go and report back to the  
> list in a couple of days.
> -mike
> On Feb 28, 2006, at 6:52 PM, jmc wrote:
>> Mike,
>> Did you try to disable ASR (automatic server recovery) in the BIOS  
>> settings?  You might also try running hpasmd with the -i option to  
>> force it to ignore all shutdown conditions.
>> I would be interested to know if that keeps your servers from  
>> rebooting 2-5 minutes after killing the errant hpasmd process.
>> At the current time, I don't have the bandwidth to build it for  
>> 6.0...  Sorry.
>> John
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