head -r357419 vs. svnlite update -rdddddd on PowerMac with 2 sockets, 2 cores each: segmentation fault (not under -r356187)

Francis Little oggy at farscape.co.uk
Tue Feb 4 08:15:54 UTC 2020

I have the same issue on my PowerMac G5 running HEAD, svnlite segfaults.

I have installed subversion from ports for now as a workaround.


On Tue, 4 Feb 2020 at 03:47, Mark Millard via freebsd-ppc <
freebsd-ppc at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Given various issues that have been going on,
> I offer the following as a possible evidence
> for a problem still existing for powerpc64
> as of head -r357419. Unfortunately, I do not
> have the time or context to do much for
> tracking it down. (I've already spent time
> on other unexpected failures in recent times.)
> The report does have a backtrace towards the
> end of this note.
> I have reverted to booting an emergency SSD that is
> at head -r356187 in order to have the following work
> instead of getting a segmentation fault on the old
> PowerMac:
> # svnlite update -r357473 /mnt/usr/src/
> Updating '/mnt/usr/src':
> At revision 357473.
> (/mnt is a mount of the normal SSD that when booted
> would be at head -r357419 and was intended for a
> update to -r357473 .)
> Under head -r357419 on the G5 PowerMac, such a
> command ( then /usr/src/ ) gets a segmentation
> fault instead. (svnlite cleanup then leaves
> things corrupted as well.)
> This started by an attempt to update /usr/src/
> from -r357419 or -r357473 . The -r357419 had
> been established via snvlite update under
> -r356426 and that had no problems. But this
> update under -r357419 just segmentation faulted.
> After discovering that I could not update the
> source tree natively, I copied over a -r357473
> /usr/src/ from elsewhere and checked it with
> diff -r and rsync. I then tried to see if it
> would do like the above but it again
> segmentation faulted instead. (No actual source
> update needed, so a simpler case.)
> I did various retries by re-establishing the
> copy with no differences found. Each time
> the result was the same.
> So for the above working command, I again
> established the copy before switching boot
> media to the head -r356187 emergency SSD.
> Booted from -r356187, svnlite update
> -r357473 on the tree ( now /mnt/usr/src/ )
> works fine.
> As another experiment, before switching to -r356187 ,
> I swapped to a head -r356426 kernel copy and got
> the same sort of failing result. But that was mixing
> a 1300075 kernel with a 1300076 world, if I remember
> the numbers right. Still, since -r356426 for both
> kernel and world together updated to -r357419 okay,
> it may suggest that the more recent world contributes
> to or causes the failure instead of it being (just?)
> a kernel problem.
> FYI: I recorded a backtrace from a core that
> was produced in one of the example failures
> ( under head -r357419 ):
> Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> . . .
> (gdb) bt
> #0  sqlite3VdbeRecordUnpack (pKeyInfo=0x810df84b8, nKey=0, pKey=0x0,
> p=0x8116ea448) at /usr/src/contrib/sqlite3/sqlite3.c:81283
> #1  0x00000008104eec6c in sqlite3VdbeExec (p=0x8116ea308) at
> /usr/src/contrib/sqlite3/sqlite3.c:89367
> #2  0x00000008104b2f84 in sqlite3Step (p=0x8116ea308) at
> /usr/src/contrib/sqlite3/sqlite3.c:83195
> #3  sqlite3_step (pStmt=0x8116ea308) at
> /usr/src/contrib/sqlite3/sqlite3.c:17724
> #4  0x0000000010315e6c in svn_sqlite__step (got_row=0x3fffffffffffc484,
> stmt=0x811a19420) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_subr/sqlite.c:347
> #5  0x0000000010315fa4 in svn_sqlite__insert (row_id=0x0,
> stmt=0x811a19420) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_subr/sqlite.c:371
> #6  0x0000000010195bd4 in insert_base_node (pibb=0x3fffffffffffc630,
> wcroot=0x810dfd980, local_relpath=0x8119d2191 "sys/kern/sched_ule.c",
> scratch_pool=0x8119d2028)
>     at /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_wc/wc_db.c:812
> #7  0x0000000010196688 in svn_wc__db_base_add_file (db=<optimized out>,
> local_abspath=0x8119d2188 "/usr/src/sys/kern/sched_ule.c",
> wri_abspath=<optimized out>,
>     repos_relpath=0x8119d2228 "head/sys/kern/sched_ule.c",
> repos_root_url=0x8116b64f8 "svn://svn0.us-west.freebsd.org/base",
> repos_uuid=0x8116b6520 "ccf9f872-aa2e-dd11-9fc8-001c23d0bc1f",
>     revision=357473, props=<optimized out>, changed_rev=<optimized out>,
> changed_date=<optimized out>, changed_author=<optimized out>,
> checksum=<optimized out>, dav_cache=<optimized out>,
>     delete_working=<optimized out>, update_actual_props=<optimized out>,
> new_actual_props=<optimized out>, new_iprops=<optimized out>,
> keep_recorded_info=<optimized out>,
>     insert_base_deleted=<optimized out>, conflict=<optimized out>,
> work_items=<optimized out>, scratch_pool=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_wc/wc_db.c:1831
> #8  0x00000000101ceaf0 in close_file (file_baton=0x8119d20a0,
> expected_md5_digest=<optimized out>, pool=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c:4550
> #9  0x00000000102eafe8 in close_file (file_baton=0x811a0b0e0,
> text_checksum=0x8119ec0e0 "6616ae311ef1f9fb859221cbbe98b2bd",
> pool=0x8119ec028)
>     at /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_delta/cancel.c:254
> #10 0x00000000102194f4 in ra_svn_handle_close_file (conn=<optimized out>,
> pool=0x8119ec028, params=<optimized out>, ds=0x3fffffffffffcb40)
>     at /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/editorp.c:861
> #11 0x00000000102184d0 in svn_ra_svn_drive_editor2 (conn=0x811755000,
> pool=0x8116b4868, editor=0x8116b6548, edit_baton=<optimized out>,
> aborted=0x0, for_replay=<optimized out>)
>     at /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/editorp.c:1114
> #12 0x00000000102153f0 in ra_svn_finish_report (baton=0x8116b66a8,
> pool=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c:302
> #13 0x00000000101e297c in svn_wc_crawl_revisions5 (wc_ctx=0x810dc14f0,
> local_abspath=<optimized out>, reporter=0x103d00e8 <ra_svn_reporter>,
> report_baton=0x8116b66a8, restore_files=<optimized out>,
>     depth=<optimized out>, honor_depth_exclude=<optimized out>,
> depth_compatibility_trick=<optimized out>, use_commit_times=<optimized
> out>, cancel_func=<optimized out>,
>     cancel_baton=<optimized out>, notify_func=<optimized out>,
> notify_baton=<optimized out>, scratch_pool=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_wc/adm_crawler.c:691
> #14 0x00000000101741c8 in update_internal (result_rev=0x3fffffffffffd3c8,
> timestamp_sleep=0x3fffffffffffd3d4, conflicted_paths=0x0,
> ra_session_p=<optimized out>,
>     local_abspath=0x8116b4960 "/usr/src", anchor_abspath=<optimized out>,
> revision=<optimized out>, depth=svn_depth_empty, depth_is_sticky=<optimized
> out>, ignore_externals=<optimized out>,
>     allow_unver_obstructions=<optimized out>,
> adds_as_modification=<optimized out>, notify_summary=<optimized out>,
> ctx=<optimized out>, result_pool=<optimized out>, scratch_pool=<optimized
> out>)
>     at /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_client/update.c:501
> #15 0x0000000010173708 in svn_client__update_internal
> (result_rev=0x3fffffffffffd3c8, timestamp_sleep=0x3fffffffffffd3d4,
> local_abspath=<optimized out>, revision=<optimized out>,
>     depth=svn_depth_empty, depth_is_sticky=-11320,
> ignore_externals=<optimized out>, allow_unver_obstructions=<optimized out>,
> adds_as_modification=<optimized out>, make_parents=<optimized out>,
>     innerupdate=<optimized out>, ra_session=0x8116a2240, ctx=<optimized
> out>, pool=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_client/update.c:648
> #16 0x0000000010174518 in svn_client_update4
> (result_revs=0x3fffffffffffd4f0, paths=0x810dfd140, revision=<optimized
> out>, depth=<optimized out>, depth_is_sticky=<optimized out>,
>     ignore_externals=<optimized out>, allow_unver_obstructions=<optimized
> out>, adds_as_modification=<optimized out>, make_parents=<optimized out>,
> ctx=<optimized out>, pool=<optimized out>)
>     at /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/libsvn_client/update.c:722
> #17 0x000000001011db9c in svn_cl__update (os=<optimized out>,
> baton=<optimized out>, scratch_pool=0x810dc0028) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/svn/update-cmd.c:169
> #18 0x000000001011d118 in sub_main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized
> out>, pool=0x810dc0028, exit_code=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/svn/svn.c:3247
> #19 main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at
> /usr/src/contrib/subversion/subversion/svn/svn.c:3332
> I did not look at the machine code level at all.
> Nor am I familiar with svnlite internals: blind
> copy.
> I originally built world and kernel non-debug but
> with debug information. That can contribute to
> interpreting the backtrace.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> marklmi at yahoo.com
> ( dsl-only.net went
> away in early 2018-Mar)
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