pkg install package size mismatch

Karel Gardas gardask at
Fri Mar 15 22:17:14 UTC 2019


I'm running up-to-date 13.0-current on PowerKVM and while trying to 
install cmake I've hit "size mismatch" error. My guess is that pkg tries 
to contact repo mirror not fully updated yet or not fully in-sync. 
However I'm just FreeBSD beginner so I'd like to ask if there are other 
explanations for this error, especially if there may be some mistake on 
user side. Whole error output is provided below.


# pkg install cmake
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 9 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
         cmake: 3.13.4
         rhash: 1.3.5
         curl: 7.64.0_1
         libnghttp2: 1.36.0
         libuv: 1.26.0
         jsoncpp: 1.8.1_6
         libarchive: 3.3.3,1
         lzo2: 2.10_1
         liblz4: 1.8.3,1

Number of packages to be installed: 9

The process will require 38 MiB more space.
7 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/9] Fetching cmake-3.13.4.txz: 100%    4 MiB   2.3MB/s    00:02
pkg: cached package cmake-3.13.4: size mismatch, fetching from remote
[2/9] Fetching cmake-3.13.4.txz: 100%    4 MiB   2.3MB/s    00:02
pkg: cached package cmake-3.13.4: size mismatch, cannot continue

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