Mac G5 and XServe G5 support

Dennis Clarke dclarke at
Wed Mar 6 23:28:47 UTC 2019

On 3/6/19 4:59 AM, Sergio Carlavilla wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know how is the state of FreeBSD in Mac G5 and XServe G5.
> Support all the hardware?
> I checked the wiki page but I don't finded anything specific to Mac G5 and XServe G5 hardware support.

You can install FreeBSD 12 on a PowerMac G5 quad unit without too much
trouble if ( and only if ) you know how to tell the loader to insert a
few variables such as usefdt=1 and kern.smp.disabled=1 just to get it
to boot. After install you may build the current sources for the kernel
and the whole buildworld for that matter. That all works and I have done
it over and over. You may even get all four cores running. However this
is all somewhat similar to having a 1937 Plymouth car in your garage and
tinkering on it. Hardly modern in even the most thin sense of the word.
But it works fine.

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional

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