FreeBSD 12.0-ALPHA4 fails to boot on POWER9/KVM

Cameron Berkenpas cam at
Sat Oct 13 19:53:34 UTC 2018


Finally had some time to spin up my own ISO from 12-CURRENT. 
Unfortunately, it still fails. Looks like there's no real change from 

# This is how I built the cdrom image:
make cdrom TARGET=powerpc TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64
make cdrom TARGET=powerpc TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64

I tried this with revision r339340.

When I try bootonly.iso, I get the issue where FreeBSD begins to boot 
and then it fails to mount root, BUT I get any any "NOT FOUND" errors at 
least. That only happens when I attempted to boot the disc1.iso image.

If I attempt to boot via the disc1.iso, I only get this:

SLOF **********************************************************************
QEMU Starting
  Build Date = Sep 24 2017 12:23:07
  FW Version = buildd@ release 20170724
  Press "s" to enter Open Firmware.

Populating /vdevice methods
Populating /vdevice/vty at 71000000
Populating /vdevice/nvram at 71000001
Populating /vdevice/l-lan at 71000002
Populating /pci at 800000020000000
                      00 3800 (D) : 1af4 1004    virtio [ scsi ]
Populating /pci at 800000020000000/scsi at 7
        SCSI: Looking for devices
           100000100000000 DISK     : "QEMU     QEMU HARDDISK 2.5+"
           100000000000000 CD-ROM   : "QEMU     QEMU CD-ROM 2.5+"
No NVRAM common partition, re-initializing...
Scanning USB
Using default console: /vdevice/vty at 71000000

   Welcome to Open Firmware

   Copyright (c) 2004, 2017 IBM Corporation All rights reserved.
   This program and the accompanying materials are made available
   under the terms of the BSD License available at

Trying to load:  from: /pci at 800000020000000/scsi at 7/disk at 100000000000000 
... failed to load CHRP boot loader.failed to load CHRP boot loader.
E3404: Not a bootable device!
Trying to load:  from: /pci at 800000020000000/scsi at 7/disk at 100000100000000 
...   Successfully loaded

 >> FreeBSD/powerpc Open Firmware boot block
    Boot path:   /pci at 800000020000000/scsi at 7/disk at 100000100000000
    Boot loader: /boot/loader
    Boot volume:   /pci at 800000020000000/scsi at 7/disk at 100000100000000:2
Consoles: Open Firmware console

FreeBSD/powerpc64 Open Firmware loader, Revision 0.1
(Sun Aug 19 13:30:54 PDT 2018 root at freebsd-ppc)
Memory: 2097152KB
Booted from: /pci at 800000020000000/scsi at 7/disk at 100000100000000

block-size NOT FOUND
#blocks NOT FOUND|
block-size NOT FOUND
#blocks NOT FOUND\
block-size NOT FOUND
#blocks NOT FOUND

( 700 ) Program Exception [ 0 ]

     R0 .. R7           R8 .. R15         R16 .. R23         R24 .. R31
0000000000000040   000000000345cdc4   ffffffffffffffff 0000000002c50468
0000000002c548c0   0000000000000000   0000000002c56ba0 0000000002c513a0
0000000000000000   0000000002c67780   0000000002c56b98 0000000002c51c18
000000000345d8f0   0000000002c67300   0000000002c62200 000000000345d8f0
0000000002c67340   0000000020000048   000000000040e78e 0000000000000000
0000000000000000   0000000000000000   0000000001802118 0000000000000000
0000000000000040   0000000002c4baec   0000000002c71980 0000000000000000
0000000000000040   000000007fffffff   0000000002c5bb84 000000000345d8f0

     CR / XER           LR / CTR          SRR0 / SRR1        DAR / DSISR
         80000044   0000000002c02938   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000000020040000   0000000000000000   0000000000083000 00000000

e >

Hope this is helpful!

On 10/11/2018 12:00 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:
> On 10/11/2018 02:50 PM, Mark Millard wrote:
>> On 2018-Oct-11, at 11:19 AM, Dennis Clarke <dclarke at> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 10/10/2018 11:59 PM, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
>>>> The first part of this (all the errors about "NOT FOUND") I just fixed
>>>> and the fixes will be included in BETA1 and subsequent builds. The
>>>> remaining issue is that virtio SCSI is not part of the standard kernel
>>>> on PPC (there are some endian and DMA bugs), so you will need to 
>>>> use an
>>>> alternative storage backend. The default storage backend (VSCSI) is
>>>> fine, as are more PC-ish things like AHCI emulation.
>>>> This command line will work and is otherwise equivalent to the below:
>>>> qemu-system-ppc64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -nographic -vga none -cdrom
>>>> FreeBSD-12.0-ALPHA9-powerpc-powerpc64-20181009-r339271-disc1.iso
>>>> /var/lib/libvirt/images/freebsd-ppc.qcow2 -mem-prealloc -mem-path
>>>> /dev/hugepages -smp 2
>>>> -Nathan
>>> Has anyone tried this on a PowerMac G5 yet ?
>> "this"? I'm unsure if the following is addressing what you are
>> referring to or not. But it might be.
>> Until the problems with -r334498 's adjustment to VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS
>> are dealt with, PowerMac G5's have boot problems (and possibly other
>> problems), at least those with multiple sockets (for what I can test).
>> (I've no access to other forms of PowerMac G5's.)
>> See:
>> and later in that thread. (Earlier in the thread is likely a waste of 
>> time
>> to read, given what is now known.)
>> My G5 contexts are operational by reverting -r334498 . The contexts are
>> otherwise based on -r339076 currently.
>> Note:
>> My boot test on a 8 GiByte, dual-socket, one "CPU" per socket,
>> PowerMac G5 met the conditions of Andreas Tobler's requested test
>> conditions and the machine boot fine (VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS near
>> the RAM size, on the low side).
>> The G5 so-called "Quad Core"s, 4 cores total in each system but
>> split evenly across 2 sockets in each), one with 12 GiByte and
>> one with 16 GiByte of RAM, booted fine as well. But
>> VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS was somewhat under 8GiByte and so not near
>> those sizes.
> OKay ... that is a lot of good information and I'll sum up as "no".
> Was merely curious if I should give it a try.
> Dennis
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