base/binutils vs. /usr/local/lib references and also: undefined reference to `pthread_create' (powerpc64 targeting example)

Mark Millard marklmi at
Thu Oct 11 00:20:03 UTC 2018

On 2018-Oct-10, at 3:13 PM, John Baldwin <jhb at> wrote:

> On 10/6/18 12:22 PM, Mark Millard via freebsd-toolchain wrote:
>> [Actually devel/gettext-tools is a build time dependency: it should not be using
>> libtool: link: /usr/local/bin/powerpc64-unknown-freebsd12.0-gcc --sysroot=. . .
>> It looks like the /usr/local/lib references are correct but the wrong linker was
>> being used. About 5 other ports have a similar status for making base/binutils
>> as a cross build.]
> base/binutils should not be pulling in any other ports at all.  Everytime I've
> built it it has had no other dependencies beyond pkg.  As far as I'm aware, 
> the only ports which work with CROSS_TOOLCHAIN and CROSS_SYSROOT are
> ports-mgmt/pkg, base/gcc, and base/binutils.

If devel/gettext-tool is already installed, things just work. In such
a context the dependency is less likely to be noticed.

>> On 2018-Oct-5, at 11:00 PM, Mark Millard <marklmi at> wrote:
>>> In trying to follow the base/binutils part of
>>> (or /usr/ports/base/README) for targeting powerpc64 I got:
>>> ( My /etc/make.conf has: WRKDIRPREFIX?=/wrkdirs .)
>>> # cd ../../base/binutils/
>>> # make CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=powerpc64-gcc CROSS_SYSROOT=/usr/obj/DESTDIRs/xtcgcc-powerpc64-installworld package
>>> . . .
>> Note: This should involve building devel/gettext-tools targetting amd64
>> (the host environment in this example) because devel/gettext-tools is
>> a build-time dependency, not to be run on the target system.
> Maybe install gettext on your system first before doing the build.  Probably
> the CROSS_* aren't stripped from the environment when building dependencies.

That is what I did and it worked fine after devel/gettext-tool had
already been installed.

In general build-time dependencies are more likely to be for the
host environment's execution and run-time dependencies are more
likely to be for the target's execution.

(But if something is both, then likely both forms are needed,
tracking HOST vs. TARGET for where used.)

I do not see evidence of such considerations in the ports
infrastructure. So I expect "install gettext on your system
first before doing the build" should be a standard part of
the instructions for base/binutils --at least for now.

>> May be if devel/gettext-tools had been pre-built and installed
>> before trying the CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=powerpc64-gcc
>> CROSS_SYSROOT=/usr/obj/DESTDIRs/xtcgcc-powerpc64-installworld
>> based build activity it would have been okay?
>> [I try such later below and report on the results.]
>> There are no words on or
>> in /usr/ports/base/README for such special build-sequence
>> instructions.
> You're maybe the 3rd person trying it. :-/

Long ago I submitted bugzilla reports when I first tried
it. A lot of that was addressed later. It was much nicer to
explore the 2nd time. And, for what I used this time, even
nicer now.

>>> (It is also unclear how the process involving base/* mixes with doing
>>> later FreeBSD updates from source --including any use of a delete-old
>>> step if WITHOUT_BINUTILS= is used at the time. For the cross buildworld
>>> itself it is not clear what options are intended.)
> So I plan on having a (or toolchain file
> that base/gcc will install that will set WITHOUT_BINUTILS and some other
> things.  I have manually done that for now when building world inside a
> MIPS qemu instance using base/binutils and base/gcc as the native toolchain.
> Once I have a build that actually finishes I plan to add the toolchain to
> the port and then have Makefile.inc1 automatically include the file it is
> present.

I'm actually only using the pkg cross build and the base/binutils
cross build. The existing src.conf/make.conf infrastructure already
allowed me to build or cross-build based on devel/powerpc64-gcc (via
devel/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc) and I've been doing that for years
and clang is useful for powerpc ( but not good for buildworld
buildkernel ).

WITHOUT_BINUTILS= use has the consequences that delete-old will delete
base/binutils materials (and so base/binutils materials have to be put
back afterwards). That is what I've been doing.

I actually have the build include clang and set up clang as cc for the
target (no bootstrap clang). Clang's powerpc family problems are tied to
special aspects associated with buildworld and buildkernel . Right now
I've a poudriere-devel building what expanded to 414 ports on the old
PowerMac G5, based on system-clang and the base/binutils material.

One thing that I use is WITHOUT_LIB32= because any modern gcc that
I've tried sticks in a R30 use in crtbeginS code that does not follow
the powerpc family ABI FreeBSD is based on for this code: 32-bit
powerpc code just produces core files on powerpc64 --from the bad
dereference of R30 as holding an context-defined address. If I
remember right, base/gcc had this problem for targeting powerpc64
as well.

If there was a devel/powerpc-gcc and devel/powerpc-binutils and
devel/powerpc-xtoolchain-gcc I could do the same for the 32-bit

>>> Notes about some typos on:
>>> /usr/ports/devel/ports-mgmt/pkg should be:
>>> /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
>>> 3 examples of CROSS_TOOCLAHIN should be:
> Fixed.


>>> Notes about the /usr/ports/base/README :
>>> No mention is made of the pkg build so that it can be
>>> set up on the target. Only
>>> has that information. /usr/ports/base/README does not
>>> reference either.
> The README predates the wiki page by a fair bit.

Ahh. I see.

> The current known issue I need to get back to with base/gcc is that it
> improperly looks for libraries in /usr/lib when --sysroot is used.  I need
> to get that fixed so that a buildworld via base/gcc works correctly and then
> I will probably get back to working on more of the todo items on the wiki
> page.

Other than when I explicitly go to test base/gcc, I do not see such
because I use the src.conf/make.conf ways of putting devel/powerpc64-gcc
and such to use and have the build include clang as cc: no use of
base/gcc. I've not tested base/gcc in a long time.

I do this style of buildworld buildkernel on the PowerMac G5's too: a sort
of "self hosted cross build".

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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