fatal kernel trap

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Fri Mar 16 14:29:24 UTC 2018

My PowerMac G5 runs r328835 fine, but upgrading to r330240 results in:

fatal kernel trap:

   exception           = 0x300 (data storage interrupt)
   virtual address     = 0xc186bff8
   dsisr               = 0x40000000
   srr0                = 0x8ef510 (0x8ef510)
   srr1                = 0x9000000000009032
   lr                  = 0x7be3e4 (0x7be3e4)
   curthread           = 0x11b26560
          pid = 38, comm = kldload

[ thread pid 38 tid 100087 ]
Stopped at      strchr+0x70:    lbzu   r10, 0x1(r4)

Note this was transcribed by hand and may have typos. Also note my 
kernel was compiled with gcc 6.3.0, although the previous kernel was as 
well and it works fine.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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