Build a powerpc desktop system based on FreeBSD

roberto.guardato roberto.guardato at
Tue Jan 23 08:24:46 UTC 2018

Hi all,
i'm trying to test freebsd (11.1-stable) with the powerpc hardware that 
I currently own in both 64 and 32 version.
I started with the 64-bit version on a dual powermac g5.

The purpose of my tests is to have a system with the following features:
- base system;
- optimized xorg;
- xfce4 as wm;
- a web browser; (webkit/midors or firefox ?)
- a multimedia player; (vlc ?)
- a text editor;
- some games;

Once the ports compilation is complete, i would like to export the 
packages to make them available to other users.

I am a beginner of freebsd so i apologize for questions that may be 
trivial for more experienced users.

I have achieved these results:
Freebsd 11.1 boots fine on g5 with fx5200 nvidia video card, while it 
hangs immediately if i use a radeon based video card;

I've compiled ports for x11/xorg and X works fine (the xorg.conf file 
must be created manually), compiled xfce4 as wm;

I stuck in the compilation of VLC 2.2.8 (segfault in vlc-cache-gen 
during make install)

Do you have any idea if the vlc ports are broken or suggestions for an 
alternative media players ?


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