German Keyboard for iBook G4

Alexander Klein xelalex_maker at
Tue Sep 26 18:54:00 UTC 2017


I finally managed to massage german.iso.acc.kbd into a keymap for the 
German iBook G4 model. All accents and umlauts work as expected, and even 
the ring on the caret-key can be used as an accent, although some 
unpleasant rough edges remain:

A number of keys, in particular the Fn-, Apple and Enter-Key all issue a 
scancode of 0, and things go completely haywire with NumLock activated.

I think this has to be fixed in the driver, and while I don't have an 
awful lot of time to spend on the issue, I feel somewhat tempted to look 
into it.

Is there any particular place where I can submit my keymap as a patch for 
the time being?

Best regards,


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