Question for powerpc64 lib32 (powerpc) support: what ABI is the powerpc code supposed to be using?
Mark Millard
markmi at
Sun Oct 29 13:50:12 UTC 2017
[Message history removed as this does not flow well with
the prior material.]
I've figured out the mismatch and, so, why/how lib32
fails for devel/powerpc64-gcc based builds: the
.init code generation for devel/powerpc64-gcc is tied
to the glibc crti.S for powerpc and that does not
match what FreeBSD has for the interface between
the two parts.
As of 6 years ago or so glibc has code like (I'm
only dealing with the init side of things as an
.section .init,"ax", at progbits
stwu r1, -16(r1)
. . .
bcl 29,31,.LMAGIC_LABEL
mflr r30
addis r30, r30, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-.LMAGIC_LABEL at ha
. . . (some pre-init function code) . . .
that comes before code that is from frame_dummy
and __do_global_ctors_aux (that are from
/wrkdirs/usr/ports/devel/powerpc64-gcc/work/gcc-6.3.0/libgcc/crtstuff.c ).
The code generated for frame_dummy and
__do_global_ctors_aux expects r30 to already
be set up for _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ related
use by the kind of code that I showed above.
Instead FreeBSD has for powerpc just:
(things are configured for devel/powerpc64-gcc
to use it)
#include <machine/asm.h>
__FBSDID("$FreeBSD: head/lib/csu/powerpc/crti.S 217399 2011-01-14 11:34:58Z kib $");
.section .init,"ax", at progbits
.align 2
.globl _init
.type _init, at function
stwu 1,-16(1)
mflr 0
stw 31,12(1)
stw 0,20(1)
mr 31,1
The overall result ends up being (from
an example .so):
0000214c <_init> stwu r1,-16(r1)
00002150 <_init+0x4> mflr r0
00002154 <_init+0x8> stw r31,12(r1)
00002158 <_init+0xc> stw r0,20(r1)
0000215c <_init+0x10> mr r31,r1
(The above is the FreeBSD crti.S code.)
(Note the lack of initialization of r30
to the _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ related value.)
(The below is the crtstuff.c frame_dummy code
inlined in a way that the function prolog code
is not present here.)
(Note the dependence on r30 having already been
00002160 <_init+0x14> lwz r3,-712(r30)
00002164 <_init+0x18> lwz r9,0(r3)
00002168 <_init+0x1c> cmpwi cr7,r9,0
0000216c <_init+0x20> beq- cr7,00002184 <_init+0x38>
00002170 <_init+0x24> lwz r9,-16(r30)
00002174 <_init+0x28> cmpwi cr7,r9,0
00002178 <_init+0x2c> beq- cr7,00002184 <_init+0x38>
0000217c <_init+0x30> mtctr r9
00002180 <_init+0x34> bctrl
(The below is the crtstuff.c __do_global_ctors_aux
loop code but inlined. . .)
00002184 <_init+0x38> lwz r29,-36(r30)
00002188 <_init+0x3c> lwzu r9,-4(r29)
0000218c <_init+0x40> cmpwi cr7,r9,-1
00002190 <_init+0x44> beq- cr7,000021a8 <_init+0x5c>
00002194 <_init+0x48> mtctr r9
00002198 <_init+0x4c> bctrl
0000219c <_init+0x50> lwzu r9,-4(r29)
000021a0 <_init+0x54> cmpwi cr7,r9,-1
000021a4 <_init+0x58> bne+ cr7,00002194 <_init+0x48>
(The rest of the .init code follows.)
000021a8 <_init+0x5c> lwz r11,0(r1)
000021ac <_init+0x60> lwz r0,4(r11)
000021b0 <_init+0x64> mtlr r0
000021b4 <_init+0x68> lwz r31,-4(r11)
000021b8 <_init+0x6c> mr r1,r11
000021bc <_init+0x70> blr
The way the compiler's source code is structured
and works it looks to me like the crti.S used needs
to have the initialization code for r30.
Mark Millard
markmi at
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