[Bug 214405] base/gcc (r424540) for TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64: g++ does not find the standard c++ headers (file placement vs. lookup mismatch)

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Tue Mar 7 12:11:28 UTC 2017


Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe at FreeBSD.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Assignee|freebsd-ports-bugs at FreeBSD. |freebsd-powerpc at FreeBSD.org
                   |org                         |
           Hardware|Any                         |powerpc
            Summary|base/gcc: -424540 for       |base/gcc (r424540) for
                   |TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64       |TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64: g++
                   |example: g++ does not find  |does not find the standard
                   |the standard c++ headers    |c++ headers (file placement
                   |(file placement vs. lookup  |vs. lookup mismatch)
                   |mismatches)                 |

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