FYI: qemu-ppc64-static and qemu-ppc-static "live-hang" when I attempt use with poudriere; qemu-arm-static and qemu-aarch64-static work

Mark Millard markmi at
Thu Aug 31 19:40:58 UTC 2017

[Just adding Sean Bruno in case the information is new to him.
I top post a note for that.]

Sean: The below reports on what I've found for what is
happening for qemu-ppc64-static (and possibly others) when
it gets stuck eating CPU time (and leaking memory), at least
for the example I ran into (that basically blocks all use
of qemu-ppc64-static it happens very early in all(?)
attempted uses that load.

The content reflects my exploration order. The summary is:

A) I've found an example context where the emulated
pc does not progress and it ends up looping repeating
a syscall.

B) Given that is involved: I've found that env->gpr[3]
handling for failed syscall attempts contributes to the
detailed failure behaviors. (This part is, of course,
likely very powerpc specific.)

But I found (B) before finding (A) as its context and
(A) might be the only problem for all I know: having the
emulated program counter progress correctly might end
up dealing with env->gpr[3] correctly in the newly
executed code.

At this point I've no clue where the emulated PC should
be adjusted in the code or what the detailed adjustment
rules should be for the context, only that the PC is not
being adjusted now but needs to be adjusted.

Mark Millard
markmi at

On 2017-Aug-31, at 12:13 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

[Turns out that the emulated program counter is not progressing
for syscall emulation, at least for [some] syscall [failure] cases.]

On 2017-Aug-30, at 8:43 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

> On 2017-Aug-30, at 4:32 PM, Don Lewis <truckman at> wrote:
>> On 30 Aug, Mark Millard wrote:
>>> On 2017-Aug-30, at 4:00 AM, Mark Linimon <linimon at> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 03:09:40AM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:
>>>>> It appears that qemu-ppc64-static and qemu-ppc-static from
>>>>> emulators/qemu-user-static are broken.
>>>> Correct, and known for some time.  (fwiw sparc64 hangs as well.)
>>> Looks like qemu-ppc64-static is stuck in a loop, calling
>>> repeatedly:
>>> do_freebsd_syscall (cpu_env=0x860ea3ac0, num=58, arg1=14, arg2=35995509911, arg3=1024, arg4=268435904, arg5=281494784, arg6=35985701568, arg7=515, arg8=35985668288)
>>>  at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/syscall.c:210
>>> 210	/wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/syscall.c: No such file or directory.
>>> Which is for:
>>> 58      AUE_READLINK    STD     { ssize_t readlink(char *path, char *buf, \
>>>                                  size_t count); }
>>> As confirmed by (note the "callq  0x60207360 <readlink>" ):
>>> (gdb) 
>>> lock_user_string (guest_addr=14) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/qemu.h:508
>>> 508	/wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/qemu.h: No such file or directory.
>>> (gdb) x/64i 0x0000000060045d3e
>>> => 0x60045d3e <do_freebsd_syscall+3246>:	callq  0x6004fd20 <target_strlen>
>>> 0x60045d43 <do_freebsd_syscall+3251>:	test   %rax,%rax
>>> 0x60045d46 <do_freebsd_syscall+3254>:	js     0x6004b99c <do_freebsd_syscall+26892>
>>> 0x60045d4c <do_freebsd_syscall+3260>:	inc    %rax
>>> 0x60045d4f <do_freebsd_syscall+3263>:	mov    $0x1,%edx
>>> 0x60045d54 <do_freebsd_syscall+3268>:	mov    %rbx,%rdi
>>> 0x60045d57 <do_freebsd_syscall+3271>:	mov    %rax,%rsi
>>> 0x60045d5a <do_freebsd_syscall+3274>:	callq  0x6003c430 <page_check_range>
>>> 0x60045d5f <do_freebsd_syscall+3279>:	test   %eax,%eax
>>> 0x60045d61 <do_freebsd_syscall+3281>:	jne    0x6004bce4 <do_freebsd_syscall+27732>
>>> 0x60045d67 <do_freebsd_syscall+3287>:	add    0x26d91b2(%rip),%rbx        # 0x6271ef20 <guest_base>
>>> 0x60045d6e <do_freebsd_syscall+3294>:	je     0x6004bce4 <do_freebsd_syscall+27732>
>>> 0x60045d74 <do_freebsd_syscall+3300>:	mov    $0x3,%edx
>>> 0x60045d79 <do_freebsd_syscall+3305>:	mov    -0x2a8(%rbp),%r14
>>> 0x60045d80 <do_freebsd_syscall+3312>:	mov    %r14,%rdi
>>> 0x60045d83 <do_freebsd_syscall+3315>:	mov    %r12,%rsi
>>> 0x60045d86 <do_freebsd_syscall+3318>:	callq  0x6003c430 <page_check_range>
>>> 0x60045d8b <do_freebsd_syscall+3323>:	test   %eax,%eax
>>> 0x60045d8d <do_freebsd_syscall+3325>:	jne    0x6004bce4 <do_freebsd_syscall+27732>
>>> 0x60045d93 <do_freebsd_syscall+3331>:	add    0x26d9186(%rip),%r14        # 0x6271ef20 <guest_base>
>>> 0x60045d9a <do_freebsd_syscall+3338>:	mov    -0x294(%rbp),%r10d
>>> 0x60045da1 <do_freebsd_syscall+3345>:	mov    $0xfffffffffffffff2,%r13
>>> 0x60045da8 <do_freebsd_syscall+3352>:	je     0x6004bcf2 <do_freebsd_syscall+27746>
>>> 0x60045dae <do_freebsd_syscall+3358>:	mov    $0x602b93da,%esi
>>> 0x60045db3 <do_freebsd_syscall+3363>:	mov    %rbx,%rdi
>>> 0x60045db6 <do_freebsd_syscall+3366>:	callq  0x60230af0 <strcmp>
>>> 0x60045dbb <do_freebsd_syscall+3371>:	test   %eax,%eax
>>> 0x60045dbd <do_freebsd_syscall+3373>:	je     0x6004c566 <do_freebsd_syscall+29910>
>>> 0x60045dc3 <do_freebsd_syscall+3379>:	mov    %rbx,%rdi
>>> 0x60045dc6 <do_freebsd_syscall+3382>:	callq  0x60158660 <path>
>>> 0x60045dcb <do_freebsd_syscall+3387>:	mov    %rax,%rdi
>>> 0x60045dce <do_freebsd_syscall+3390>:	mov    %r14,%rsi
>>> 0x60045dd1 <do_freebsd_syscall+3393>:	mov    %r12,%rdx
>>> 0x60045dd4 <do_freebsd_syscall+3396>:	callq  0x60207360 <readlink>
>>> But note that the "lock_user_string (guest_addr=14)" and
>>> "do_freebsd_syscall (cpu_env=0x860ea3ac0, num=58, arg1=14,"
>>> indicate that the "readlink(char *path," is using a really
>>> small address for the path string.
>>> I've not figured a way for poudriere bulk builds to leave
>>> behind the source code automatically. So far I've not
>>> looked at the qemu-bsd-user source code. I do build with
>>> both debug and optimization turned on via
>>> having:
>> The -w option will create a tarball of the work directory if the
>> package build fails.  I also often use the testport -i option I want to
>> poke around in the WRKDIR after a build.
> I've been using -w right along. But I'd not used testport at all.
> It looks to me like the syscall errno handling is messed
> up. The details that I've observed follow. It follows
> a simplified sequence of discovery as far a presentation
> order goes.
> The looping code is:
> static inline void target_cpu_loop(CPUPPCState *env)
> {
>   CPUState *cs = CPU(ppc_env_get_cpu(env));
>   target_siginfo_t info;
>   int trapnr;
>   target_ulong ret;
>   for(;;) {
>       cpu_exec_start(cs);
>       trapnr = cpu_exec(cs);
>       cpu_exec_end(cs);
>       process_queued_cpu_work(cs);
>       switch(trapnr) {
> . . .
>           /* system call in user-mode emulation */
>           /* WARNING:
>            * PPC ABI uses overflow flag in cr0 to signal an error
>            * in syscalls.
>            */
>           env->crf[0] &= ~0x1;
>           ret = do_freebsd_syscall(env, env->gpr[0], env->gpr[3], env->gpr[4],
>                            env->gpr[5], env->gpr[6], env->gpr[7],
>                            env->gpr[8], env->gpr[9], env->gpr[10]);
>           if (ret == (target_ulong)(-TARGET_QEMU_ESIGRETURN)) {
>               /* Returning from a successful sigreturn syscall.
>                  Avoid corrupting register state.  */
>               break;
>           }
>           if (ret > (target_ulong)(-515)) {
>               env->crf[0] |= 0x1;
>               ret = -ret;
>           }
>           env->gpr[3] = ret;
>           break;
> . . .
>       }
>       process_pending_signals(env);
>   }
> }
> The observed env->gpr[3] == 14 is from a prior loop
> iteration having ret == 14 in the:
>           env->gpr[3] = ret;
> Prior to this were the values (as seen via
> lock_user_string):
> guest_addr=278408977
> guest_addr=2
> That 2 also came from the prior ret == 2 in the:
>           env->gpr[3] = ret;
> from when the 278408977 was in being attempted.
> For both the ret == 2 and ret == 14 were from:
>               ret = -ret;
> so the return values from do_freebsd_syscall were
> -2 and -14 (interpreted as signed).
> The return values trace back to the following code,
> where TARGET_EFAULT == 14 :
> static inline abi_long do_bsd_readlink(CPUArchState *env, abi_long arg1,
>       abi_long arg2, abi_long arg3)
> {
>   abi_long ret;
>   void *p1, *p2;
>   LOCK_PATH(p1, arg1);
>   p2 = lock_user(VERIFY_WRITE, arg2, arg3, 0);
>   if (p2 == NULL) {
>       UNLOCK_PATH(p1, arg1);
>       return -TARGET_EFAULT;
>   }
> #ifdef __FreeBSD__
>   if (strcmp(p1, "/proc/curproc/file") == 0) {
>       CPUState *cpu = ENV_GET_CPU(env);
>       TaskState *ts = (TaskState *)cpu->opaque;
>       strncpy(p2, ts->bprm->fullpath, arg3);
>       ret = MIN((abi_long)strlen(ts->bprm->fullpath), arg3);
>   } else
> #endif
>   ret = get_errno(readlink(path(p1), p2, arg3));
>   unlock_user(p2, arg2, ret);
>   UNLOCK_PATH(p1, arg1);
>   return ret;
> }
> The 2 is from:
>   ret = get_errno(readlink(path(p1), p2, arg3));
> At the time the p1 points to "/etc/malloc.conf":
> (gdb) step 
> path (name=0x10982f11 "/etc/malloc.conf") at util/path.c:173
> 169	const char *path(const char *name)
> 170	{
> 171	    /* Only do absolute paths: quick and dirty, but should mostly be OK.
> 172	       Could do relative by tracking cwd. */
> (gdb) 
> 173	    if (!base || !name || name[0] != '/')
> 174	        return name;
> 175	
> 176	    return follow_path(base, name) ?: name;
> 177	}
> (gdb) print base
> $8 = (struct pathelem *) 0x0
> So name is returned unchanged.
> The 2 is in turn from:
> #define	__ENOENT	2		/* No such file or directory */
> Overall one oddity is that this code structure
> seems to use -ret from:
>           ret = do_freebsd_syscall(env, env->gpr[0], env->gpr[3], env->gpr[4],
>                            env->gpr[5], env->gpr[6], env->gpr[7],
>                            env->gpr[8], env->gpr[9], env->gpr[10]);
> to retry the same operation again the next iteration,
> but with env->gpr[3] == -ret (as ret was on the return
> of do_freebsd_syscall ).
> Once abs(ret) == 14 it is fully stuck repeating itself.
> I've no clue if:
>           env->gpr[3] = ret;
> even makes sense here.
> I've not tried to track down the memory leak activity
> that is associated.
> Nor have I checked anything for the:
>       cpu_exec_start(cs);
>       trapnr = cpu_exec(cs);
>       cpu_exec_end(cs);
>       process_queued_cpu_work(cs);
> activity. It likely contributes to why the loop
> retries the readlink again (with a junk address
> for the path).

I do not see activity advancing the emulated
program counter as this looping/retrying happens.
Nor anything that is adjusting the problematical
re-used env->gpr[3] other than the:

516	            env->gpr[3] = ret;

after the negation of ret for the syscall failure

This is confirmed by the following:

(gdb) bt
#0  cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:141
#1  0x0000000060039cb5 in cpu_loop_exec_tb (cpu=<optimized out>, tb=<optimized out>, last_tb=<optimized out>, tb_exit=<optimized out>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:574
#2  cpu_exec (cpu=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:672
#3  0x000000006003c988 in target_cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/ppc/target_arch_cpu.h:139
#4  cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:121
#5  0x000000006003e003 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:516
. . .
(gdb) list
569	{
570	    uintptr_t ret;
571	    int32_t insns_left;
573	    trace_exec_tb(tb, tb->pc);
574	    ret = cpu_tb_exec(cpu, tb);
575	    tb = (TranslationBlock *)(ret & ~TB_EXIT_MASK);
576	    *tb_exit = ret & TB_EXIT_MASK;
577	    if (*tb_exit != TB_EXIT_REQUESTED) {
578	        *last_tb = tb;
. . .
cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:141
141	    CPUArchState *env = cpu->env_ptr;
(gdb) print/x itb->pc
$16 = 0x1074d784
(gdb) c

Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 9, cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:141
141	    CPUArchState *env = cpu->env_ptr;
. . .
(gdb) print/x itb->pc
$18 = 0x1074d784
(gdb) c

Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 9, cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:141
141	    CPUArchState *env = cpu->env_ptr;
(gdb) print/x itb->pc
$19 = 0x1074d784
(gdb) c

Thread 1 hit Breakpoint 9, cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:141
141	    CPUArchState *env = cpu->env_ptr;
(gdb) print/x itb->pc
$20 = 0x1074d784

and so on.

So it appears that syscall emulation does not progress the
emulated instruction pointer and so the syscall repeats
over and over.

(I've still not tracked down what is leaking memory
during this looping. But that is probably a secodnary
concern at this point.)

So how does the code get from:

139	        trapnr = cpu_exec(cs);

to (re-)trying the failed syscall (readlink) attempt?

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000601e25c0 in siglongjmp ()
#1  0x000000006003a1aa in cpu_loop_exit_restore (cpu=<optimized out>, pc=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec-common.c:77
#2  0x00000000600e0eeb in raise_exception_err_ra (env=<optimized out>, exception=<optimized out>, error_code=0, raddr=0)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/target/ppc/excp_helper.c:905
#3  helper_raise_exception_err (env=<optimized out>, exception=<optimized out>, error_code=0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/target/ppc/excp_helper.c:928
#4  0x00000000607233e6 in static_code_gen_buffer ()
#5  0x0000000060039ffa in cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:166
#6  0x0000000060039cb5 in cpu_loop_exec_tb (cpu=<optimized out>, tb=<optimized out>, last_tb=<optimized out>, tb_exit=<optimized out>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:574
#7  cpu_exec (cpu=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:672
#8  0x000000006003c988 in target_cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/ppc/target_arch_cpu.h:139
#9  cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:121
#10 0x000000006003e003 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:516

It does a siglongjmp via helper_raise_execption_err :

(gdb) up
#1  0x0000000060039ffa in cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:166
166	    ret = tcg_qemu_tb_exec(env, tb_ptr);
(gdb) list
161	        qemu_log_unlock();
162	    }
163	#endif /* DEBUG_DISAS */
165	    cpu->can_do_io = !use_icount;
166	    ret = tcg_qemu_tb_exec(env, tb_ptr);
167	    cpu->can_do_io = 1;
168	    last_tb = (TranslationBlock *)(ret & ~TB_EXIT_MASK);
169	    tb_exit = ret & TB_EXIT_MASK;
170	    trace_exec_tb_exit(last_tb, tb_exit);
(gdb) print tb_ptr
$11 = (uint8_t *) 0x607233c0 <static_code_gen_buffer+17616> "A\213n\354\205\355\017\214\037"

  0x607233c0 <static_code_gen_buffer+17616>:	mov    -0x14(%r14),%ebp
  0x607233c4 <static_code_gen_buffer+17620>:	test   %ebp,%ebp
  0x607233c6 <static_code_gen_buffer+17622>:	jl     0x607233eb <static_code_gen_buffer+17659>
  0x607233cc <static_code_gen_buffer+17628>:	movq   $0x1074d784,0x3c8(%r14)
  0x607233d7 <static_code_gen_buffer+17639>:	mov    %r14,%rdi
  0x607233da <static_code_gen_buffer+17642>:	mov    $0x203,%esi
  0x607233df <static_code_gen_buffer+17647>:	xor    %edx,%edx
  0x607233e1 <static_code_gen_buffer+17649>:	callq  0x600e0ed0 <helper_raise_exception_err>
=> 0x607233e6 <static_code_gen_buffer+17654>:	jmpq   0x6071ef06 <static_code_gen_buffer+22>
  0x607233eb <static_code_gen_buffer+17659>:	mov    $0x60723343,%eax
  0x607233f0 <static_code_gen_buffer+17664>:	jmpq   0x6071ef08 <static_code_gen_buffer+24>

The exception is exception==515 . 515 is the
figure matching up with POWERPC_EXCP_SYSCALL_USER .

(gdb) stepi
helper_raise_exception_err (env=0x860ea3ac0, exception=515, error_code=0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/target/ppc/excp_helper.c:927
927	{
(gdb) bt
#0  helper_raise_exception_err (env=0x860ea3ac0, exception=515, error_code=0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/target/ppc/excp_helper.c:927
#1  0x00000000607233e6 in static_code_gen_buffer ()
#2  0x0000000060039ffa in cpu_tb_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, itb=0x60723340 <static_code_gen_buffer+17488>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:166
#3  0x0000000060039cb5 in cpu_loop_exec_tb (cpu=<optimized out>, tb=<optimized out>, last_tb=<optimized out>, tb_exit=<optimized out>)
   at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:574
#4  cpu_exec (cpu=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:672
#5  0x000000006003c988 in target_cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/ppc/target_arch_cpu.h:139
#6  cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:121
#7  0x000000006003e003 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:516

Later there is:

raise_exception_err_ra (env=0x860ea3ac0, exception=515, error_code=0, raddr=0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/target/ppc/excp_helper.c:903
903	    cs->exception_index = exception;

and then:

(gdb) s
cpu_loop_exit_restore (cpu=0x860e9b8c0, pc=0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec-common.c:74
74	    if (pc) {
(gdb) n
77	    siglongjmp(cpu->jmp_env, 1);
(gdb) n
0x00000000600398e9 in cpu_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:645
645	    if (sigsetjmp(cpu->jmp_env, 0) != 0) {
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000600398e9 in cpu_exec (cpu=0x860e9b8c0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/accel/tcg/cpu-exec.c:645
#1  0x000000006003c988 in target_cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/ppc/target_arch_cpu.h:139
#2  cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:121
#3  0x000000006003e003 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/main.c:516
(gdb) n
651	        cpu = current_cpu;
652	        cc = CPU_GET_CLASS(cpu);
658	        cpu->can_do_io = 1;
659	        tb_lock_reset();
660	        if (qemu_mutex_iothread_locked()) {
661	            qemu_mutex_unlock_iothread();
666	    while (!cpu_handle_exception(cpu, &ret)) {
679	    cc->cpu_exec_exit(cpu);
(gdb) n
680	    rcu_read_unlock();
(gdb) n
683	}
(gdb) n
target_cpu_loop (env=0x860ea3ac0) at /wrkdirs/usr/ports/emulators/qemu-user-static/work/qemu-bsd-user-17977d0/bsd-user/ppc/target_arch_cpu.h:140
140	        cpu_exec_end(cs);

And it sends up back in:

141		process_queued_cpu_work(cs);
143	        switch(trapnr) {
. . .
498	            /* system call in user-mode emulation */
499	            /* WARNING:
500	             * PPC ABI uses overflow flag in cr0 to signal an error
501	             * in syscalls.
502	             */
503	            env->crf[0] &= ~0x1;
504	            ret = do_freebsd_syscall(env, env->gpr[0], env->gpr[3], env->gpr[4],
505	                             env->gpr[5], env->gpr[6], env->gpr[7],
506	                             env->gpr[8], env->gpr[9], env->gpr[10]);
507	            if (ret == (target_ulong)(-TARGET_QEMU_ESIGRETURN)) {
508	                /* Returning from a successful sigreturn syscall.
509	                   Avoid corrupting register state.  */
510	                break;
511	            }
512	            if (ret > (target_ulong)(-515)) {
513	                env->crf[0] |= 0x1;
514	                ret = -ret;
515	            }
516	            env->gpr[3] = ret;
517	            break;

Mark Millard
markmi at

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