Where would I look to find release 8.1 iso files ?

Justin Hibbits chmeeedalf at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 17:34:42 UTC 2017

Hi Dennis,

11.1 (latest release) should run stable on the G5. I run current on mine,
dated back to March.

- Justin

On Aug 27, 2017 11:50, "Dennis Clarke" <dclarke at blastwave.org> wrote:

Dear FreeBSD :

    I am trying to install a reasonably stable operating system of some
sort into a PowerMac G5 unit.  There seems to be very little left on the
planet that will work. I could try some Linux out there but I would like
to stay with a "UNIX" type system. I have now yet looked at the OpenBSD
types and I don't even know if there is a stable build for ye old super
PowerPC64 anyways.

    So where would I look to make some bootable DVD's to see if I can
install FreeBSD on this PowerMac G5 ?  Is the 8.1 release really the
last one that can work in a stable fashion ?

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