clang 3.9.0 vs. TARGET_ARCH=powerpc: fsck_ufs and "df -m" are example failures: __floatdidf gets SIGSEGV's in both of them.

Mark Millard markmi at
Sun Nov 27 03:47:50 UTC 2016

[Short top post of where floatdidf definitions seem to be for TARGET_ARCH=powerpc.]

libcompiler_rt , libc , and libgcc each seem to be places with
floatdidf definitions:

# grep floatdidf ~/sys_typescripts/typescript_make_powerpcvtsc_nodebug_clang_bootstrap_world-amd64-host-2016-11-26:11:38:36
Building /usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/lib/libcompiler_rt/floatdidf.o
Building /usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/lib/libc/floatdidf.o
Building /usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/lib/libc/floatdidf.pico
Building /usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/gnu/lib/libgcc/_floatdidf.pico
Building /usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/lib/libcompiler_rt/floatdidf.po
Building /usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/lib/libc/floatdidf.po

For .o:    just libcompiler_rt and libc
For .po:   just libcompiler_rt and libc
For .pico: just libgcc         and libc

Only libc is common to all 3 types of files. But the libc copy is
not used by fsck_ufs or df. (The larger address routine is from
/lib/ and the smaller one from the "local exec file".)

I've no clue if this sort of thing is unique to powerpc or not.

Mark Millard
markmi at

On 2016-Nov-26, at 4:41 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

> [Summary: Looking around with gdb at fsck_ufs I found two __floatdidf routines
> with different code. df has the same.]
> On 2016-Nov-26, at 3:39 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:
>> I updated to head -r309197 (with a work around for -r309144 breaking the build).
>> This was on amd64, then used it to try to cross buildworld using clang 3.9.0 for
>> TARGET_ARCH=powerpc . The build completed. (I've been using clang 3.8.0 this way
>> for a long time.)
>> [The kernel here was cross built via gcc 4.2.1, as has been my normal procedure.
>> The kernel still has my "red zone for signal delivery" hack that was a workaround
>> for clang 3.8.0 stack-handling ABI violations.]
>> Booting, however, had problems because of fsck_ufs getting signal 11 and ended up
>> initially in single user mode.
>> Exiting single user did finish the boot. But "df -m" core dumps. (I've not
>> explored much else.)
>> Turns out that both fsck_ufs and "df -m" fail in the same routine for a SIGSEGV:
>> __floatdidf
>> The details. . .
>> First the boot and fsck_ufs:
>>> Copyright (c) 1992-2016 The FreeBSD Project.
>>> Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
>>>       The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
>>> FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
>>> FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT #9 r309179M: Sat Nov 26 12:53:11 PST 2016
>>>   markmi at FreeBSDx64:/usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_gcc421_kernel/powerpc.powerpc/usr/src/sys/GENERICvtsc-NODBG powerpc
>>> gcc version 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]
>>> cpu0: IBM PowerPC 970MP revision 1.1, 18446744071914.91 MHz
>>> cpu0: Features dc000000<PPC32,PPC64,ALTIVEC,FPU,MMU>
>>> real memory  = 2118565888 (2020 MB)
>>> avail memory = 2014863360 (1921 MB)
>>> FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
>>> . . .
>>> Trying to mount root  from ufs:/dev/ufs/FBSDG4Srootfs [rw,noatime]...
>>> . . .
>>> pid 53 (fsck_ufs), uid 0: exited on signal 11
>> Manually running fsck later gets a segmentation fault core file in /var/crash/
>> and I used this too see a point of failure (__floatdidf):
>>> # fsck /
>>> ** /dev/ufs/FBSDG4Srootfs (NO WRITE)
>>> ** Last Mounted on /
>>> ** Root file system
>>> ** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
>>> INCORRECT BLOCK COUNT I=11538459 (8 should be 0)
>>> CORRECT? no
>>> ** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
>>> ** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
>>> ** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
>>> LINK COUNT FILE I=10016041  OWNER=operator MODE=100400
>>> SIZE=4096 MTIME=Nov 26 14:44 2016  COUNT 2 SHOULD BE 1
>>> ADJUST? no
>>> LINK COUNT FILE I=10016049  OWNER=operator MODE=100400
>>> SIZE=4096 MTIME=Nov 26 14:55 2016  COUNT 2 SHOULD BE 1
>>> ADJUST? no
>>> LINK COUNT FILE I=10016089  OWNER=operator MODE=100400
>>> SIZE=4096 MTIME=Nov 26 15:00 2016  COUNT 2 SHOULD BE 1
>>> ADJUST? no
>>> UNREF FILE  I=11538459  OWNER=root MODE=100600
>>> SIZE=0 MTIME=Nov 26 15:11 2016 
>>> CLEAR? no
>>> ** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
>>> SALVAGE? no
>>> SALVAGE? no
>>> SALVAGE? no
>>> fsck: /dev/ufs/FBSDG4Srootfs: Segmentation fault
>>> # gdb fsck_ufs /var/crash/fsck_ufs.1129.core 
>>> GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
>>> Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>>> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
>>> welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
>>> Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
>>> There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
>>> This GDB was configured as "powerpc-marcel-freebsd"...
>>> Core was generated by `fsck_ufs /dev/ufs/FBSDG4Srootfs'.
>>> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
>>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//lib/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /lib/
>>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//lib/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /lib/
>>> Reading symbols from /libexec/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//libexec/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /libexec/
>>> #0  0x0181b024 in __floatdidf ()
>>> (gdb) bt
>>> #0  0x0181b024 in __floatdidf ()
>>> #1  0x0180a8e0 in main (argc=<value optimized out>, argv=<value optimized out>) at /usr/src/sbin/fsck_ffs/main.c:519
>>> #2  0x01801664 in _start ()
>>> #3  0x418303a0 in .text () at /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/powerpc/rtld_start.S:112
>> main.c's line 519 is part of:
>>>       printf("(%ju frags, %ju blocks, %.1f%% fragmentation)\n",
>>>           (uintmax_t)n_ffree, (uintmax_t)n_bfree,
>>>           n_ffree * 100.0 / sblock.fs_dsize);
>> As for "df -m" --it failed in __floatdidf as well:
>>> # gdb df /var/crash/df.1056.core                                                                                                                                                                        GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
>>> Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>>> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
>>> welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
>>> Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
>>> There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
>>> This GDB was configured as "powerpc-marcel-freebsd"...
>>> Core was generated by `df -m'.
>>> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
>>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//lib/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /lib/
>>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//lib/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /lib/
>>> Reading symbols from /lib/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//lib/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /lib/
>>> Reading symbols from /libexec/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug//libexec/
>>> done.
>>> Loaded symbols for /libexec/
>>> #0  0x01802a18 in __floatdidf ()
>>> (gdb) bt
>>> #0  0x01802a18 in __floatdidf ()
>>> #1  0x01802538 in prtstat (sfsp=0x41e24000, mwp=0xffffd930) at /usr/src/bin/df/df.c:503
>>> #2  0x01801df0 in main (argc=<value optimized out>, argv=<value optimized out>) at /usr/src/bin/df/df.c:308
>>> #3  0x01800cdc in _start ()
>>> #4  0x418153a0 in .text () at /usr/src/libexec/rtld-elf/powerpc/rtld_start.S:112
>> df.c's line 503 was part of:
>>>       xo_emit(" {:used-percent/%5.0f}{U:%%}",
>>>           availblks == 0 ? 100.0 : (double)used / (double)availblks * 100.0);
>> Context details:
>>> # head ~/sys_typescripts/typescript_make_powerpcvtsc_nodebug_clang_bootstrap_world-amd64-host-2016-11-26:11:38:36 
>>> Script started on Sat Nov 26 11:38:36 2016
>>> Command: env __MAKE_CONF=/root/src.configs/make.conf SRCCONF=/dev/null SRC_ENV_CONF=/root/src.configs/src.conf.powerpc-clang-bootstrap.amd64-host WITH_META_MODE=yes MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj/powerpcvtsc_clang_world make -j 5 buildworld
>>> --- buildworld ---
>> . . .
>>> # more ~/src.configs/src.conf.powerpc-clang-bootstrap.amd64-host
>>> TO_TYPE=powerpc
>>> #
>>> .if ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0
>>> .export TARGET_ARCH
>>> .endif
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # lldb requires missing atomic 8-byte operations for powerpc (non-64)
>>> #
>>> #
>>> #
>>> #WERROR=
>>> #
>>> # more ~/src.configs/make.conf 
>>> CFLAGS.gcc+= -v
> Looking around in gdb there seem to be two __floatdidf routines with differing code.
> First showing the one that was used and failed:
> (gdb) x/50i 0x0181afc0
> . . .
> 0x181afcc <__floatdidf>:	mflr    r0
> 0x181afd0 <__floatdidf+4>:	stw     r0,4(r1)
> 0x181afd4 <__floatdidf+8>:	stwu    r1,-32(r1)
> 0x181afd8 <__floatdidf+12>:	stw     r31,28(r1)
> 0x181afdc <__floatdidf+16>:	stw     r30,24(r1)
> 0x181afe0 <__floatdidf+20>:	bl      0x182e96c <.got+20>
> 0x181afe4 <__floatdidf+24>:	mr      r31,r1
> 0x181afe8 <__floatdidf+28>:	xoris   r3,r3,32768
> 0x181afec <__floatdidf+32>:	lis     r5,17200
> 0x181aff0 <__floatdidf+36>:	mflr    r30
> 0x181aff4 <__floatdidf+40>:	stw     r3,12(r31)
> 0x181aff8 <__floatdidf+44>:	stw     r5,8(r31)
> 0x181affc <__floatdidf+48>:	lwz     r3,-16(r30)
> 0x181b000 <__floatdidf+52>:	lwz     r6,-20(r30)
> 0x181b004 <__floatdidf+56>:	lfd     f1,8(r31)
> 0x181b008 <__floatdidf+60>:	stw     r4,20(r31)
> 0x181b00c <__floatdidf+64>:	stw     r5,16(r31)
> 0x181b010 <__floatdidf+68>:	lfd     f13,16(r31)
> 0x181b014 <__floatdidf+72>:	lwz     r0,36(r1)
> 0x181b018 <__floatdidf+76>:	lwz     r31,28(r1)
> 0x181b01c <__floatdidf+80>:	lwz     r30,24(r1)
> 0x181b020 <__floatdidf+84>:	lfs     f2,0(r3)
> 0x181b024 <__floatdidf+88>:	lwz     r3,-12(r30)
> 0x181b028 <__floatdidf+92>:	lfs     f0,0(r6)
> 0x181b02c <__floatdidf+96>:	lfs     f12,0(r3)
> 0x181b030 <__floatdidf+100>:	fsub    f0,f1,f0
> 0x181b034 <__floatdidf+104>:	fmul    f0,f0,f2
> 0x181b038 <__floatdidf+108>:	fadd    f0,f0,f12
> 0x181b03c <__floatdidf+112>:	fadd    f1,f13,f0
> 0x181b040 <__floatdidf+116>:	addi    r1,r1,32
> 0x181b044 <__floatdidf+120>:	mtlr    r0
> 0x181b048 <__floatdidf+124>:	blr
> . . .
> Then showing the one that was not used that I found:
> (gdb) disass __floatdidf
> Dump of assembler code for function __floatdidf:
> 0x4199fc8c <__floatdidf+0>:	mflr    r0
> 0x4199fc90 <__floatdidf+4>:	stw     r0,4(r1)
> 0x4199fc94 <__floatdidf+8>:	stwu    r1,-32(r1)
> 0x4199fc98 <__floatdidf+12>:	stw     r31,28(r1)
> 0x4199fc9c <__floatdidf+16>:	stw     r30,24(r1)
> 0x4199fca0 <__floatdidf+20>:	mr      r31,r1
> 0x4199fca4 <__floatdidf+24>:	srawi   r5,r3,31
> 0x4199fca8 <__floatdidf+28>:	bl      0x41a0a288 <.got+14428>
> 0x4199fcac <__floatdidf+32>:	cmpwi   r3,0
> 0x4199fcb0 <__floatdidf+36>:	addc    r6,r4,r5
> 0x4199fcb4 <__floatdidf+40>:	adde    r6,r3,r5
> 0x4199fcb8 <__floatdidf+44>:	lis     r3,17200
> 0x4199fcbc <__floatdidf+48>:	xor     r5,r6,r5
> 0x4199fcc0 <__floatdidf+52>:	mflr    r30
> 0x4199fcc4 <__floatdidf+56>:	bge-    0x4199fccc <__floatdidf+64>
> 0x4199fcc8 <__floatdidf+60>:	neg     r4,r4
> 0x4199fccc <__floatdidf+64>:	lwz     r12,-3124(r30)
> 0x4199fcd0 <__floatdidf+68>:	stw     r5,20(r31)
> 0x4199fcd4 <__floatdidf+72>:	stw     r4,12(r31)
> 0x4199fcd8 <__floatdidf+76>:	lwz     r4,-3120(r30)
> 0x4199fcdc <__floatdidf+80>:	stw     r3,16(r31)
> 0x4199fce0 <__floatdidf+84>:	stw     r3,8(r31)
> 0x4199fce4 <__floatdidf+88>:	lfd     f1,16(r31)
> 0x4199fce8 <__floatdidf+92>:	lfd     f3,8(r31)
> 0x4199fcec <__floatdidf+96>:	lfs     f0,0(r12)
> 0x4199fcf0 <__floatdidf+100>:	lfs     f2,0(r4)
> 0x4199fcf4 <__floatdidf+104>:	fsub    f1,f1,f0
> 0x4199fcf8 <__floatdidf+108>:	fsub    f0,f3,f0
> 0x4199fcfc <__floatdidf+112>:	fmul    f1,f1,f2
> 0x4199fd00 <__floatdidf+116>:	fadd    f1,f0,f1
> 0x4199fd04 <__floatdidf+120>:	bge-    0x4199fd0c <__floatdidf+128>
> 0x4199fd08 <__floatdidf+124>:	fneg    f1,f1
> 0x4199fd0c <__floatdidf+128>:	lwz     r0,36(r1)
> 0x4199fd10 <__floatdidf+132>:	lwz     r31,28(r1)
> 0x4199fd14 <__floatdidf+136>:	lwz     r30,24(r1)
> 0x4199fd18 <__floatdidf+140>:	addi    r1,r1,32
> 0x4199fd1c <__floatdidf+144>:	mtlr    r0
> 0x4199fd20 <__floatdidf+148>:	blr
> End of assembler dump.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at

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