base/binutils (from ports/head -r424540) requires "gcc" to be a valid command on the host environment

Mark Millard markmi at
Wed Nov 9 11:36:25 UTC 2016

On 2016-Nov-9, at 1:56 AM, David Chisnall <theraven at> wrote:

> On 9 Nov 2016, at 03:33, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:
>> base/binutils for my attempted powerpc64 cross build target [from amd64 head -r308247M] failed for lack of a "gcc”:
> OS X (sorry, macOS) works around this by installing gcc as a symlink to clang.  I wonder if that’s something that we should start doing.
> David

clang and clang++ 3.8.0 do not work correctly for powerpc64 or powerpc for
FreeBSD: various forms of bad code generation and ABI violations. No version
works yet as far as I know. (There has been some recent work on this in llvm
but some of it has not been put in the FreeBSD clang/clang++ 3.9.0 experiment
so far.)

(I sometimes experiment with clang/clang++ on powerpc and analyze the problems
and submit reports of the ones that I find.)

powerpc64 and powerpc also do not have prebuilt packages, not even just one
for pkg itself.

This makes getting both a C/C++ compiler set and pkg in place a bit of a mess
even for a cross-built bootstrap:

A) pkg on the target needs to be built by a C/C++ compiler toolchain.

B) /usr/ports/base/gcc usage for getting a compiler toolchain on the target
   works by putting a .txz file in place for use via pkg add <THAT-FILE> .

Mark Millard
markmi at

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