clang 3.8.0 based powerpc (32 bit) buildworld runs on a PowerMac! [stack alignment related problem for signals]

Mark Millard markmi at
Sun Jan 31 13:16:35 UTC 2016

[Next to figure out after noting the below: In FreeBSD what controls the stack alignment produced by a signal for its handler routine? I've not gotten that far yet. My guess is that stack alignments larger than 4 are supposed to be in use for powerpc (32-bit) and that signal generation should be causing the correct alignment for the handler.]

I've discovered that the stack alignment varies between direct calls to the routine that is also used to handle the signal vs. when the routine is used via a signal. Below shows first a non-signal call then a signal call.

> (gdb) run
> Starting program: /root/c_tests/a.out 
> Breakpoint 10, 0x018006d4 in handler ()
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x018006d4 in handler ()
> #1  0x01800760 in main ()
> (gdb) info frame
> Stack level 0, frame at 0xffffdcb0:
>  pc = 0x18006d4 in handler; saved pc = 0x1800760
>  called by frame at 0xffffdcd0
>  Arglist at 0xffffdc60, args: 
>  Locals at 0xffffdc60, Previous frame's sp is 0xffffdcb0
>  Saved registers:
>   r31 at 0xffffdcac, pc at 0xffffdcb4, lr at 0xffffdcb4
> (gdb) cont
> Continuing.
> Breakpoint 10, 0x018006d4 in handler ()
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x018006d4 in handler ()
> #1  <signal handler called>
> #2  0x00000000 in ?? ()
> (gdb) info frame
> Stack level 0, frame at 0xffffd73c:
>  pc = 0x18006d4 in handler; saved pc = 0xffffe008
>  called by frame at 0xffffd73c
>  Arglist at 0xffffd6ec, args: 
>  Locals at 0xffffd6ec, Previous frame's sp is 0xffffd73c
>  Saved registers:
>   r31 at 0xffffd738, pc at 0xffffd740, lr at 0xffffd740

In direct calls "Locals at 0xffffdc60" is a multiple of 8,16,32 but not of 64.

In signal based calls "Locals at 0xffffd6ec" is a multiple of 4 but not of 8.

(Similar points could be made about the "frame at" figures.)

__vfprintf in both cases gets a similar sort of stack alignment as handler does:

> (gdb) info frame
> Stack level 0, frame at 0xffffdad0:
>  pc = 0x41931590 in __vfprintf (/usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/vfprintf.c:454); saved pc = 0x4199c644
>  called by frame at 0xffffdc60
>  source language c.
>  Arglist at 0xffffd880, args: fp=0xffffdb40, locale=0x419cba40 <__xlocale_global_locale>, fmt0=0x180085c "%d", ap=0xffffdc30
>  Locals at 0xffffd880, Previous frame's sp is 0xffffdad0
>  Saved registers:
>   r14 at 0xffffda88, r15 at 0xffffda8c, r16 at 0xffffda90, r17 at 0xffffda94, r18 at 0xffffda98, r19 at 0xffffda9c, r20 at 0xffffdaa0, r21 at 0xffffdaa4, r22 at 0xffffdaa8, r23 at 0xffffdaac,
>   r24 at 0xffffdab0, r25 at 0xffffdab4, r26 at 0xffffdab8, r27 at 0xffffdabc, r28 at 0xffffdac0, r29 at 0xffffdac4, r30 at 0xffffdac8, r31 at 0xffffdacc, pc at 0xffffdad4, lr at 0xffffdad4


> (gdb) info frame
> Stack level 0, frame at 0xffffd55c:
>  pc = 0x41931590 in __vfprintf (/usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/vfprintf.c:454); saved pc = 0x4199c644
>  called by frame at 0xffffd6ec
>  source language c.
>  Arglist at 0xffffd30c, args: fp=0xffffd5cc, locale=0x419cba40 <__xlocale_global_locale>, fmt0=0x180085c "%d", ap=0xffffd6bc
>  Locals at 0xffffd30c, Previous frame's sp is 0xffffd55c
>  Saved registers:
>   r14 at 0xffffd514, r15 at 0xffffd518, r16 at 0xffffd51c, r17 at 0xffffd520, r18 at 0xffffd524, r19 at 0xffffd528, r20 at 0xffffd52c, r21 at 0xffffd530, r22 at 0xffffd534, r23 at 0xffffd538,
>   r24 at 0xffffd53c, r25 at 0xffffd540, r26 at 0xffffd544, r27 at 0xffffd548, r28 at 0xffffd54c, r29 at 0xffffd550, r30 at 0xffffd554, r31 at 0xffffd558, pc at 0xffffd560, lr at 0xffffd560

In the __vfprintf code below r31 (once set) is either Locals at 0xffffd880 or Locals at 0xffffd30c, depending on the alignment. For reference:

> #define NIOV 8
> struct io_state {
>       FILE *fp;
>       struct __suio uio;      /* output information: summary */
>       struct __siov iov[NIOV];/* ... and individual io vectors */
> };

I've examined the code and __vfprintf (which has lots of in-lined material from other places) has the code:

> (gdb) x/64i __vfprintf
>    0x41931504 <__vfprintf>:	mflr    r0
>    0x41931508 <__vfprintf+4>:	stw     r31,-4(r1)
>    0x4193150c <__vfprintf+8>:	stw     r30,-8(r1)
>    0x41931510 <__vfprintf+12>:	stw     r0,4(r1)
>    0x41931514 <__vfprintf+16>:	stwu    r1,-592(r1)
>    0x41931518 <__vfprintf+20>:	mr      r31,r1       (r31 gets the Locals address here)
> . . .
>    0x41931574 <__vfprintf+112>:	mr      r29,r3 (FILE* passed in)
> . . .
>    0x4193165c <__vfprintf+344>:	stw     r29,296(r31) (r31+296==& of fp field of io_state io)
> . . .
>    0x4193168c <__vfprintf+392>:	li      r3,4
>    0x41931690 <__vfprintf+396>:	addi    r23,r31,296  (r31+296==& of fp field of io_state io)
> . . .
>    0x419316b0 <__vfprintf+428>:	rlwimi  r23,r3,0,29,29 (& of uio field of io_state intended)

Note r31+296 is either 0xFFFFD9A8 or 0xFFFFD434 depending on the stack alignment.

The rlwimi works fine for alignment by 8 or higher powers of 2 by masking in a 4 into the address stored in r23 (equivalent to adding the 4 in such a context). The 0xFFFFD9A8 becomes 0xFFFFD9AC in r23 after the rlwimi.

But for alignment by 4 that is not aligned by larger powers of 2 the rlwimi leaves r23 with the value : r31+296==& of fp field of io_state io instead of the uio field that it should be.

For the direct call sequence, not signal,

> (gdb) print (struct io_state*)&buf[32]
> $79 = (struct io_state *) 0xffffd9a8
> (gdb) print &((struct io_state*)&buf[32])->uio
> $80 = (struct __suio *) 0xffffd9ac
> (gdb) print *(struct io_state*)&buf[32]
> $82 = {fp = 0xffffdb40, uio = {uio_iov = 0xffffd9b8, uio_iovcnt = 1, uio_resid = 1}, iov = {{iov_base = 0xffffd9a7, iov_len = 1}, {iov_base = 0x18109c8 <snprintf at plt>, iov_len = 1100596480}, {
>       iov_base = 0x4183f1c8, iov_len = 4294957520}, {iov_base = 0xffffd9e0, iov_len = 1098984872}, {iov_base = 0x4183f1c8, iov_len = 4294957536}, {iov_base = 0xffffda00, iov_len = 1099023964}, {
>       iov_base = 0x41832200, iov_len = 25233864}, {iov_base = 0x1800310, iov_len = 1100596480}}}
> . . .
> Breakpoint 12, __sfvwrite (fp=0xffffdb40, uio=0xffffd9ac) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fvwrite.c:61

vs. for the signal call sequence:

> (gdb) print (struct io_state*)&buf[32]
> $83 = (struct io_state *) 0xffffd434
> (gdb) print &((struct io_state*)&buf[32])->uio
> $84 = (struct __suio *) 0xffffd438
> (gdb) print *(struct io_state*)&buf[32]
> $85 = {fp = 0xffffd5cc, uio = {uio_iov = 0xffffd444, uio_iovcnt = 1, uio_resid = 2}, iov = {{iov_base = 0xffffd432, iov_len = 2}, {iov_base = 0xffffd450, iov_len = 4294956192}, {
>       iov_base = 0x4181bb50 <symlook_list+252>, iov_len = 1099266711}, {iov_base = 0x4a115f, iov_len = 4294956144}, {iov_base = 0x41831370, iov_len = 4}, {iov_base = 0xffffd470, 
>       iov_len = 1099212600}, {iov_base = 0x0, iov_len = 0}, {iov_base = 0x4, iov_len = 0}}}
> . . .
> Breakpoint 12, __sfvwrite (fp=0xffffd5cc, uio=0xffffd434) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fvwrite.c:61

Note that uio in __sfvwrite does not agree with &((struct io_state*)&buf[32])->uio for the signal case. Instead it matches (struct io_state*)&buf[32] (and its ->fp (first field) field address).

Mark Millard
markmi at

On 2016-Jan-30, at 7:15 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

Hmm. Too much time at this I guess. . .

Reviewing again I do not find any paths that are without PRINT (i.e., io_print) use. That should mean that io.uio.uio_iov->iov_base was initialized but somehow changed.

I still have not replicated the problem with smaller/simpler code, only with libc/stdio use.

I will back off Bug 206770 before taking a break.

Mark Millard
markmi at

On 2016-Jan-30, at 5:59 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

I have submitted a minor variation of this analysis text for the uninitialized pointer use in in libc/stdio "string output" routine implementations as Bug 206770.

If anyone finds that I missed the initialization let me know and I'll change the status of the bug.

Mark Millard
markmi at

On 2016-Jan-30, at 5:13 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

So far I'm unable to reproduce the problem with simple code replacing the library code.

And I expect that I have have a smoking gun for why.  Care to check the below and see if I missed something? As far as I can tell this is a FreeBSD libc/stdio defect, not a clang 3.8.0 one.

Unfortunately the reason is spread out in the code so it takes a bit to describe the context for the uninitialized pointer that I expect is involved.

To start the description I note the actual, low-level failure point:

> #0  0x419a89c8 in memcpy (dst0=0xffffd734, src0=<optimized out>, length=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/string/bcopy.c:124
> 124				TLOOP1(*--dst = *--src);

In the assembler code for this is the the *--src access that gets the segmentation violation. I do not justify that claim here but use that fact later.

So what leads up to that? Going the other way, starting from the use of snprintf. . .

snprintf(char * __restrict str, size_t n, char const * __restrict fmt, ...) sets up its __vfprintf(FILE *fp, locale_t locale, const char *fmt0, va_list ap) use via:

>       va_list ap;
>       FILE f = FAKE_FILE;
. . .
>       va_start(ap, fmt);
>       f._flags = __SWR | __SSTR;
>       f._bf._base = f._p = (unsigned char *)str;
>       f._bf._size = f._w = n;
>       ret = __vfprintf(&f, __get_locale(), fmt, ap);

so at the __vfprintf call f._p reference the buffer that __vfprintf's str references. __vfprintf in turn does (in part):

>       struct io_state io;     /* I/O buffering state */
. . .
>       io_init(&io, fp);

where io is on-stack (not implicitly initialized). The io_init does:

> #define NIOV 8
> struct io_state {
>       FILE *fp;
>       struct __suio uio;      /* output information: summary */
>       struct __siov iov[NIOV];/* ... and individual io vectors */
> };
> static inline void
> io_init(struct io_state *iop, FILE *fp)
> {
>       iop->uio.uio_iov = iop->iov;
>       iop->uio.uio_resid = 0;
>       iop->uio.uio_iovcnt = 0;
>       iop->fp = fp;
> }

where (on stack as part of __vfprintf's io):

> struct __siov {
>       void    *iov_base;
>       size_t  iov_len;
> };
> struct __suio {
>       struct  __siov *uio_iov;
>       int     uio_iovcnt;
>       int     uio_resid;
> };

So via __vfprintf's io.fp->_p the str buffer is accessible for outputting to.

But in none of this or other code that I've looked at for this snprintf use case have I found code that initializes the involved io.uio.uio_iov->iov_base (i.e., io.iov[0].iov_base) to point to anything specific. (Nor is iov_base's matching iov_len initialized.)

Here is a stab at finding all the initializations of iov_base fields:

> # grep "iov_base.*=" /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/*
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fputs.c:        iov.iov_base = (void *)s;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fputws.c:       iov.iov_base = buf;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fwrite.c:       iov.iov_base = (void *)buf;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/perror.c:               v->iov_base = (char *)s;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/perror.c:               v->iov_base = ": ";
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/perror.c:       v->iov_base = msgbuf;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/perror.c:       v->iov_base = "\n";
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/printfcommon.h: iop->iov[iop->uio.uio_iovcnt].iov_base = (char *)ptr;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/puts.c: iov[0].iov_base = (void *)s;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/puts.c: iov[1].iov_base = "\n";
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/putw.c: iov.iov_base = &w;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/vfwprintf.c:    iov.iov_base = buf;
> /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/xprintf.c:      io->iovp->iov_base = __DECONST(void *, ptr);

The only file above involved in common for this context turns out to be: /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/printfcommon.h and the above assignment in that file is in io_print(struct io_state *iop, const CHAR * __restrict ptr, int len, locale_t locale), which is not in use for this context. Here is the assignment anyway (for reference):

> static inline int
> io_print(struct io_state *iop, const CHAR * __restrict ptr, int len, locale_t locale)
> {
>       iop->iov[iop->uio.uio_iovcnt].iov_base = (char *)ptr;
>       iop->iov[iop->uio.uio_iovcnt].iov_len = len;
>       iop->uio.uio_resid += len;
. . .

In other words: The segmentation violation is for use of __vfprintf's uninitialized io.uio.uio_iov->iov_base .

Returning to tracing the actually used code for this context to support that claim some more. . .

The __vfprintf (FILE *fp, locale_t locale, const char *fmt0, va_list ap) eventually does:

      if (io_flush(&io, locale))

and io_flush(struct io_state *iop, locale_t locale) does:

      return (__sprint(iop->fp, &iop->uio, locale));

and _sprintf(FILE *fp, struct __suio *uio, locale_t locale) does:

      err = __sfvwrite(fp, uio);

and __sfvwrite(FILE *fp, struct __suio *uio) does:

      p = iov->iov_base;
      len = iov->iov_len;

where  iov->iov_base is another name for __vfprintf's io.uio.uio_iov->iov_base . __sfvwrite then uses:

#define COPY(n)   (void)memcpy((void *)fp->_p, (void *)p, (size_t)(n))

which fails dereferencing p (i.e., __vfprintf's io.uio.uio_iov->iov_base ). 

In other words (again): The segmentation violation is for use of the uninitialized iop->uio.uio_iov->iov_base.

Mark Millard
markmi at

On 2016-Jan-30, at 5:58 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:

On 2016-Jan-30, at 3:29 AM, Roman Divacky <rdivacky at> wrote:

> Can you file a bug in llvm bugzilla?

I could try for the example code. But I'd like to make the example more self contained first, avoiding snprintf from library code and hopefully with a much smaller, simpler implementation involved than the very-general library code.

Separately: I'm not sure any llvm folks are going to have a way to test unless someone shows the problem outside a FreeBSD context. powerpc-clang (32-bit) based FreeBSD buildworld's are not exactly a normal context at this point.

My files with powerpc (32-bit) tied differences from svn for projects/clang380-import -r294962 are:

Index: /media/usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile
--- /media/usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile	(revision 294962)
+++ /media/usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# $FreeBSD$

-SUBDIR=		boot1.chrp kboot ofw ps3 uboot
+SUBDIR=		boot1.chrp
+.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc64"
+SUBDIR+=		kboot
+SUBDIR+=		ofw ps3 uboot

.include <>
Index: /media/usr/src/sys/conf/Makefile.powerpc
--- /media/usr/src/sys/conf/Makefile.powerpc	(revision 294962)
+++ /media/usr/src/sys/conf/Makefile.powerpc	(working copy)
@@ -35,7 +35,11 @@

INCLUDES+= -I$S/contrib/libfdt

+.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc"
CFLAGS+= -msoft-float -Wa,-many
+CFLAGS+= -msoft-float

# Build position-independent kernel
Index: /media/usr/src/sys/conf/
--- /media/usr/src/sys/conf/	(revision 294962)
+++ /media/usr/src/sys/conf/	(working copy)
@@ -144,7 +144,11 @@
.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "powerpc"
CFLAGS+=	-mno-altivec
+.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "clang" && ${COMPILER_VERSION} < 30800
CFLAGS.clang+=	-mllvm -disable-ppc-float-in-variadic=true
+CFLAGS.clang+=	-msoft-float
CFLAGS.gcc+=	-msoft-float
Index: /media/usr/src/sys/conf/
--- /media/usr/src/sys/conf/	(revision 294962)
+++ /media/usr/src/sys/conf/	(working copy)
@@ -137,8 +137,12 @@

.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == powerpc
+.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == "gcc"
CFLAGS+=	-mlongcall -fno-omit-frame-pointer
+CFLAGS+=	-fno-omit-frame-pointer

.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == mips
CFLAGS+=	-G0 -fno-pic -mno-abicalls -mlong-calls

(I can not actually buildkernel for powerpc via clang 3.8.0. Still some of the above is for the kernel context.)

src.conf content:

# lldb requires missing atomic 8-byte operations for powerpc (non-64)

On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 03:00:26AM -0800, Mark Millard wrote:
> I got around to trying some more use of the 3.8.0 clang based world on powerpc (32 bit) (now -r294962 based) and ran into:
> A) Segmentation faults during signal handlers in syslogd, nfsd, mountd, and (for SIGNFO) make.
> B) ls sometimes segmentation faulting
> C) make -j 6 buildworld segmentation faulting in make eventually but make buildworld works.
> I have reduced (A) to a simple program that demonstrates the behavior:
>> # more sig_snprintf_use_test.c 
>> #include <stdio.h>
>> #include <signal.h>
>> volatile sig_atomic_t sat = 0;
>> void
>> handler(int sig)
>> {
>> char uidbuf[32];
>> (void) snprintf(uidbuf, sizeof uidbuf, "%d", 10);
>> sat = uidbuf[0];
>> }
>> int
>> main(void)
>> {
>> if (signal(SIGINT, handler) != SIG_ERR) raise(SIGINT);
>> return sat;
>> }
>> # ./a.out
>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>> # /usr/local/bin/gdb a.out /var/crash/a.out.1510.core
>> GNU gdb (GDB) 7.10 [GDB v7.10 for FreeBSD]
> . . .
>> warning: Unexpected size of section `.reg2/100167' in core file.
>> #0  0x419a89c8 in memcpy (dst0=0xffffd734, src0=<optimized out>, length=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/string/bcopy.c:124
>> 124				TLOOP1(*--dst = *--src);
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0  0x419a89c8 in memcpy (dst0=0xffffd734, src0=<optimized out>, length=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/string/bcopy.c:124
>> #1  0x419a3984 in __sfvwrite (fp=<optimized out>, uio=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/fvwrite.c:128
>> #2  0x41934468 in __sprint (fp=<optimized out>, uio=<optimized out>, locale=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/vfprintf.c:164
>> #3  io_flush (iop=<optimized out>, locale=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/printfcommon.h:155
>> #4  __vfprintf (fp=<optimized out>, locale=<optimized out>, fmt0=<optimized out>, ap=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/vfprintf.c:1020
>> #5  0x4199c644 in snprintf (str=0xffffd734 "", n=<optimized out>, fmt=0x1800850 "%d") at /usr/src/lib/libc/stdio/snprintf.c:72
>> #6  0x01800708 in handler ()
>> Backtrace stopped: Cannot access memory at address 0xffffd760
> (The "Unexpected size . . ." is a known problem in powerpc land at this point, not tied to clang 3.8.0 .)
> The syslogd, nfsd, mountd, and SIGINFO-related make backtraces are similar. I got the program above from simplifying the mountd failure context.
> A direct call, handler(0), does not get the segmentation fault.
> I'll note that in C the handler calling snprintf or other such is a no-no for the general case: only abort(), _Exit(), or signal() as of C99 as I understand. But the restriction is not true of use of raise so the small program is still valid C99 code. Of course it appears FreeBSD allows more than C99 does in this area.
> I've not yet investigated what the original signals are in syslogd, nfsd, or mountd. They may well indicate another problem.
> I've not gotten as far classifying (B) or (C) as well.
> (B) is a xo_emit context each time so far (so C elipsis use again, like (A)) but no signal handler seems to be active. It stops in xo_format_string_direct. My attempts at simpler code have not produced the problem so far.
> (C) is such that GDB 7.10 reports "previous frame to this frame (corrupt stack?)" or otherwise gives up. It shows Var_Value called by Make_Update before reporting that. gdb 6.1.1 shows more after that: JobFinish, JobReapChild, Job_CatchChildern, Job_CatchOutput, Make_Run, main). SIGCHLD or other such use may well be involved here.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at
> On 2016-Jan-19, at 2:35 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:
> I now have an SSD that contains:
> 0) installkernel material from a gcc 4.2.1 based buildkernel
> 1) installworld material from a clang 3.8.0 based buildworld
> (clang 3.8.0, libc++, etc.)
> It boots and seems to be operating fine after booting --in both a G5 and a G4 PowerMac.
> Apparently the clang code generation has been updated to not require an explicit -mlongcall. I had to remove those since clang rejects them on command lines. It linked without complaint (and later seems to be running fine). (I've seen llvm review notes mentioning the "medium model" or some phrase like that for powerpc.)
> (I've not been able to buildkernel yet for powerpc (non-64) from my amd64 environment: rejected command lines for other issues. Thus the current limitation to buildworld.)
> To get to (1) I did the following sort of sequence:
> (The first few steps deal with other issues in order to have sufficient context.)
> A) Started by installing the latest powerpc (non-64) snapshot.
> ( )
> (I had to use a PowerMac with video hardware that vt would handle.)
> (Basic display, no X-windows involvement here.)
> B) Rebuild, including using my usual kernel configuration that has
> both vt and sc. I did this based on projects/clang380-import
> -r294201 /usr/src but still using gcc 4.2.1 (native on the
> PowerMac). The configuration turns off kernel debugging extras too.
> C) installkernel, installworld, etc., set to use sc instead of vt, and rebooted.
> (As of this I could use the SSD in more PowerMacs by using sc instead of vt via a /boot/loader.conf assignment.)
> D) dump/restore the file systems to another SSD (after partitioning it).
> Adjust the host name and the like on the copy.
> (This copy later ends up having new installworld materials overlaid.)
> E) In a projects/clang380-import -r294201 amd64 environment, buildworld for
> TARGET_ARCH=powerpc . WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS= and clang related material built,
> gcc 4.2.1 related material not built. WITH_BOOT= as well. I choose
> WITHOUT_DEBUG= and WITHOUT_DEBUG_FILES= . (I've not tried enabling them yet.)
> binutils is not from ports.
> F) Use DESTDIR= with installworld to an initially empty directory tree. tar the tree.
> G) Transfer the tar file to the PowerMac. Mount the to-be-updated SSD to
> /mnt and /mnt/var. After chflags -R noschg on /mnt and /mnt/var use
> tar xpf to replace things from the buildworld on /mnt and /mnt/var.
> (This does leave older gcc 4.2.1 related materials in place.)
> H) Dismounts, shutdown, and then boot from the updated SSD.
> Note: I've never manage to get powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc/powerpc64-gcc to produce working 32-bit code. So I've never gotten this far via that path.
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at
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Mark Millard
markmi at

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