11.0-BETA3 panic on PowerMac G5 during boot autoconfig

Jukka Ukkonen jau789 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 09:33:32 UTC 2016

> On 04 Aug 2016, at 17:31, Justin Hibbits <jrh29 at alumni.cwru.edu> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 1:59 AM, Jukka A. Ukkonen <jau789 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Has anyone else noticed a similar problem with 11.0-BETA3?
>> My G5 boots just fine with 11-BETA2. When I built the latest
>> BETA3 source yesterday afternoon the system started panicing
>> during the boot. The message shown flashes so quickly past
>> the screen that I have no idea what it is trying to say.
>> Though kern.panic_reboot_wait_time is set to 15 seconds,
>> the system apparently does not obey this delay. It reboots
>> immediately after showing the panic message.
>> --jau
> Can you try setting at the loader 'debug.debugger_on_panic=1'?  It
> *shouldn't* reboot then so you can poke around, and give the panic
> message.  Unfortunately I haven't had time to update my G5, it's still
> running head from back in October.
> - Justin

I tried this and set also debug.bootverbose=1 to see some
additional info. It did not help the debugging, though. The
quick flashing of the error message and instant reboot
still prevent reading the message.
Anyhow I managed to notice that autoconfigure got past
reporting atapci0 and atapci1. Right after these there has
usually been notes about timecounter, etc. So, I got the idea
that maybe it is the timecounter initialization that fails. This
could also explain why there is no delay between the error
message and reboot. Testing this hypothesis is now on my
to do list, but it will take some time.


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