port's svn commit: r413746 - in head "many ports: mark broken on powerpc64": for what toolchains?
Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net
Sun Apr 24 07:20:53 UTC 2016
[A top-post of the results of my test build of lang/gcc6-devel using gcc49 to do the build (until it switches over to xgcc). I do not have lang/gcc or lang/gcc48 installed.]
lang/gcc6-devel's update built fine in my powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc/powerpc64-gcc and gcc49 environment on a powerpc64 PowerMac. The options were as I normally use:
> # more /var/db/ports/lang_gcc6-devel/options
> # This file is auto-generated by 'make config'.
> # Options for gcc6-devel-6.0.0.s20160110
> _OPTIONS_READ=gcc6-devel-6.0.0.s20160110
I will note that ruby is implicitly in use in my environment and it too had been marked as broken for powerpc64: lang/ruby21 , lang/ruby22 , and lang/ruby23 all were so marked. (So I commented those marks out.)
My build that upgraded from ruby21 to ruby22 went fine.
Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net
On 2016-Apr-23, at 5:21 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at dsl-only.net> wrote:
> On 2016-Apr-23, at 4:17 PM, Steve Wills <swills at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 04/23/16 05:50 PM, Mark Millard wrote:
>>> Recently a large block of ports (including lang/gcc6-devel) were
>>> marked in their Makefiles with
>>>> BROKEN_powerpc64= Does not build
>>> Does this only apply for use of gcc/g++ 4.2.1 or specific other
>>> verions? If so that is not the only way to have a powerpc64
>>> environment. For example: how "official" is use of
>>> devel/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc (so devel/powerpc64-gcc as well) and
>>> lang/gcc49 used on a powerpc64 box (in my case an old PowerMac)?
>> The intent was just that they don't build with the default config, ie,
>> gcc 4.2.1 from base. If there are ways to make things build with other
>> compilers, we should look at getting those changes into ports.
>> You can find the logs of the build that I based all those changes on here:
>> http://poudriere.mouf.net/karl/poudriere/build.html?mastername=headpowerpc-default&build=2016-04-02_20h57m16s
>> Specifically the gcc6-devel one is here:
>> http://poudriere.mouf.net/karl/poudriere/data/headpowerpc-default/2016-04-02_20h57m16s/logs/errors/gcc6-devel-6.0.0.s20160320.log
>> Though I realize now that was simply a timeout and perhaps shouldn't
>> have been marked as broken. A few of the llvm ones timed out and I
>> didn't mark those as broken and meant to not mark any that timed out as
>> broken, and to go back and retry them, but didn't notice this one was a
>> timeout. We can remove the BROKEN_powerpc64 from lang/gcc-devel if it
>> builds for you.
> Since my original note -r413919 has updated devel/gcc6-devel. So I'll end up testing that update once I get to that point.
> I'll note that the svn-ports-head entry for -r412746 lists several llvm items:
> head/devel/llvm-cheri/Makefile
> head/devel/llvm-devel/Makefile
> head/devel/llvm33/Makefile
> head/devel/llvm34/Makefile
> head/devel/llvm38/Makefile
> But I do not build any of those normally. llvm38 likely is toolchain vintage dependent for if it builds or not. Others may be as well.
>> Also note that build was using the 2016Q2 branch, but the
>> BROKEN_powerpc64 was committed to the main branch. Perhaps that change
>> should be merged to the 2016Q2 branch.
>> Anyway, I'm currently retrying the build, after fixing pixman and
>> merging that to the 2016Q2 and then locally patching in the
>> BROKEN_powerpc64 things into my local tree. You can see the progress of
>> that here:
>> http://poudriere.mouf.net/karl/poudriere/build.html?mastername=headpowerpc-default&build=2016-04-21_17h38m55s
>>> Can broken be marked for only specific tool chains?
>> Not trivially, but it's probably doable somehow.
>>>> # freebsd-version -ku 11.0-CURRENT 11.0-CURRENT # uname -aKU
>>>> FreeBSD FBSDG5C0 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #29 r297769M:
>>>> Sat Apr 9 22:22:19 PDT 2016
>>>> root at FBSDG5C0:/usr/obj/xtoolchain/powerpc.powerpc64/usr/src/sys/GENERIC64vtsc-NODEBUG
>>>> powerpc 1100105 1100105
>>> For the rest of this note I'll focus on lang/gcc-devel since I happen
>>> to build and install it.
>>>> # pkg info '*gcc*' gcc49-4.9.4.s20160406
>>>> gcc6-devel-6.0.0.s20160410 powerpc64-gcc-5.3.0
>>>> powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc-0.1
>>> gcc6-devel-6.0.0.s20160410 was built from -r413230 svn source on the
>>> that same old PowerMac. -r413188 is the prior lang/gcc-devel check in
>>> before being marked broken for powerpc64. For how I build it was not
>>> broken at the time.
>>> I historically use devel/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc (so
>>> devel/powerpc64-gcc as well) for the so-called "cross build" stages
>>> of buildworld/buildkernel (11.0-CURRENT). (I also do true cross
>>> builds for TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64 from an amd64 context sometimes.)
>>> gcc 4.2.1 is not present before, during, or after on the old
>>> PowerMac. I do build clang and various related materials but do not
>>> use clang for buildworld/buildkernel related activity. I experiment
>>> with using clang for other things at times.
>>> I historically use lang/gcc49 on the old PowerMac for:
>>> A) building devel/powerpc64-gcc (not the only way to try to build
>>> it) B) the "host" stages of buildworld/buildkernel (11.0-CURRENT) C)
>>> building lang/gcc6-devel (not the only way to try to build it)
>>> [I do not have lang/gcc5 built/installed only because it and
>>> devel/powerpc64-gcc have file conflicts when they are based on the
>>> same gcc version. Getting devel/powerpc64-gcc to build and install on
>>> a powerpc64 requires some workarounds because it is not a true cross
>>> compile environment and some file names are odd for self-hosted and
>>> so not found during staging's copy activities.]
>>> [I do build the system's clang 3.8.0 but do not use it other than for
>>> exploring/checking its current powerpc64 FreeBSD limitations. It does
>>> work for various things but not everything. Those experiments do not
>>> include buildworld or buildkernel. For example: clang 3.8.0 targeting
>>> powerpc64 can not build libstand due to lack of software floating
>>> point support. C++ exception handling built via clang for powerpc64
>>> is messed up as well.]
>> It would be nice if we could fix those things and get powerpc(64) built
>> with clang.
> https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=25780 [a meta-list of reports that block use by freebsd] lists various powerpc and powerpc64 code-generation issues for clang 3.8.0 vs. FreeBSD. As I remember each of the following includes examples of powerpc64 code-generation issues, not just powerpc (non-64) ones.
> https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=26970
> https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=26856
> https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=26844
> https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=26761
> (I also submitted reports to freebsd as well so there would be reminders to track clang fixes if they ever occur. There may be more issues than I reported in either place.)
> As I remember I thought there were also some FreeBSD problems that would be present after the above were fixed but the code generation problems made it harder to be sure. Even if I was correct any testing based on the bad code-generation by clang in overlapping areas would not work. I'd prefer to recheck/reanalyze based on seeing good code generation results.
> Unfortunately while I can slowly analyze/research the code generated it would take a lot longer to get the point of doing non-trival work on llvm or clang itself. And since somewhat after clang 3.8.0 moved into 11.0-CURRENT other things have kept me mostly out of clang investigations. I've just been rebuilding FreeBSD and some ports periodically in order to avoid large jumps later.
>>> I have started a powerpc64 self-hosted buildworld/buildkernel for an
>>> update to 11.0-CURRENT -r298518 in preparation for then updating my
>>> ports to -r413907 or so.
>>> My intent is to comment out the BROKEN_powerpc64 line in
>>> lang/gcc6-devel/Makefile and see if lang/gcc6-devel still (re-)builds
>>> once everything else is up to date.
>>> But the builds involved take many hours so I'll likely not have a
>>> result to report until tomorrow (or later).
>>> Supporting example details:
>>>> # svnlite info /usr/ports Path: /usr/ports Working Copy Root Path:
>>>> /usr/ports URL: https://svn0.us-west.freebsd.org/ports/head
>>>> Relative URL: ^/head Repository Root:
>>>> https://svn0.us-west.freebsd.org/ports Repository UUID:
>>>> 35697150-7ecd-e111-bb59-0022644237b5 Revision: 413230 Node Kind:
>>>> directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: kmoore Last Changed
>>>> Rev: 413230 Last Changed Date: 2016-04-13 13:07:37 -0700 (Wed, 13
>>>> Apr 2016)
>>> (I'll svnlite update -r413907 /usr/ports [or there about] after the
>>> system is updated. The above was used for my existing lang/gcc-devel
>>> build on powerpc64 for powerpc64.)
>>>> # more /etc/make.conf DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=perl5=5.22
>>>> MALLOC_PRODUCTION= # # # For trying gcc49... #
>>>> CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc49 CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++49
>>>> CPP=/usr/local/bin/cpp49 # # # For trying port binutils... #
>>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/
>> AS=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/as
>>>> AR=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/ar
>>>> LD=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/ld
>>>> NM=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/nm
>>>> OBJCOPY=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/objcopy
>>>> OBJDUMP=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/objdump
>>>> RANLIB=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/ranlib
>>>> SIZE=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/size #NO-SUCH:
>>>> STRINGS=/usr/local/powerpc64-portbld-freebsd11.0/bin/strings
>>>> STRINGS=/usr/local/bin/strings
>>> The above sort of make.conf is used for port builds, though I may
>>> edit the details to control my experiments.
>>> The below are tied to buildworld/buildkernel related activity:
>>>> # more
>>>> /root/sys_build_scripts.powerpc64-host/make_powerpc64vtsc_nodebug_incl_clang_xtoolchain-powerpc64-host.sh
>>>> script
>>>> /root/sys_typescripts/typescript_make_powerpc64vtsc_nodebug_incl_clang_xtoolchain-powerpc64-host-$(date
>>>> +%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S) \ env __MAKE_CONF="/root/src.configs/make.conf"
>>>> SRC_ENV_CONF="/root/src.configs/src.conf.powerpc64-xtoolchain.powerpc64-host"
>>>> \ MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX="/usr/obj/xtoolchain/powerpc.powerpc64" \ make
>>>> $*
>>> /root/src.configs/make.conf (used for buildworld/buildkernel) is
>>> normally empty.
>>>> # more
>>>> /root/src.configs/src.conf.powerpc64-xtoolchain.powerpc64-host
>>>> TO_TYPE=powerpc64 TOOLS_TO_TYPE=${TO_TYPE} FROM_TYPE=powerpc64
>>>> 0 TARGET_ARCH=${TO_TYPE} .export TARGET_ARCH .endif #
>>>> WITH_LLDB= # # LIB32 builds but does not work via gcc variants
>>>> [crtbeginS code problem(s)] WITHOUT_LIB32= WITHOUT_GCC=
>>>> WITH_DEBUG_FILES= # # # For TO (so-called "cross") stages . . . #
>>>> So-called-cross via ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc/${TO_TYPE}-gcc. . . #
>>>> TOOLS_TO_TYPE based on ${TO_TYPE}-xtoolchain-gcc related bintutils.
>>>> CROSS_BINUTILS_PREFIX=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ .if
>>>> ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0
>>>> XCC=/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}-gcc
>> XCXX=/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}-g++
>>>> XCPP=/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}-cpp
>> .export XCC
>>>> .export XCXX .export XCPP
>>>> XAS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/as
>>>> XAR=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ar
>>>> XLD=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ld
>>>> XNM=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/nm
>>>> XOBJCOPY=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objcopy
>>>> XOBJDUMP=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/objdump
>>>> XRANLIB=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/ranlib
>>>> XSIZE=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/size #NO-SUCH:
>>>> XSTRINGS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd/bin/strings
>>>> XSTRINGS=/usr/local/bin/${TOOLS_TO_TYPE}-freebsd-strings .export
>>>> XAS .export XAR .export XLD .export XNM .export XOBJCOPY .export
>>>> XOBJDUMP .export XRANLIB .export XSIZE .export XSTRINGS .endif # #
>>>> # For FROM (host) stages . . . # From gccXY (such as gcc49 but not
>>>> xtoolchain) # TOOLS_FROM_TYPE's appropriate binutils. . . # .if
>>>> ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0 CC=env C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include
>>>> /usr/local/bin/gcc49 -L/usr/lib CXX=env C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include
>>>> CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/c++/v1 /usr/local/bin/g++49
>>>> -std=c++11 -nostdinc++ -L/usr/lib CPP=/usr/local/bin/cpp49 .export
>>>> CC .export CXX .export CPP
>>>> AS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/as
>> AR=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/ar
>>>> LD=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/ld
>> NM=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/nm
>>>> OBJCOPY=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/objcopy
>> OBJDUMP=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/objdump
>>>> RANLIB=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/ranlib
>> SIZE=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/size
>>>> #NO-SUCH:
>>>> STRINGS=/usr/local/${TOOLS_FROM_TYPE}-portbld-freebsd${VERSION_CONTEXT}/bin/strings
>> STRINGS=/usr/local/bin/strings
>>>> .export AS .export AR .export LD .export NM .export OBJCOPY .export
>>>> OBJDUMP .export RANLIB .export SIZE .export STRINGS .endif
>>>> # svnlite status /usr/src ? /usr/src/.snap M
>>>> /usr/src/contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp
>> M /usr/src/lib/csu/powerpc64/Makefile
>>>> ? /usr/src/restoresymtable ?
>>>> /usr/src/sys/arm/conf/RPI2-NODBG M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/boot/ofw/Makefile.inc M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/boot/powerpc/Makefile.inc M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/boot/uboot/Makefile.inc M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/conf/Makefile.powerpc M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/conf/kern.mk M /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod.mk ?
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64-NODBG ?
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64vtsc ?
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERIC64vtsc-NODEBUG ?
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERICvtsc ?
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/conf/GENERICvtsc-NODEBUG M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/ofw/ofw_machdep.c M
>>>> /usr/src/sys/powerpc/powerpc/exec_machdep.c
>> Let me know what you find. There was some work on external compiler
>> support, though I don't know it's current status.
> My powerpc64 FreeBSD activity is completely dependent on the external compiler support: I'm using FreeBSD's modern libc++, not libstdc++. But there are some workarounds involved for my complete avoidance of gcc 4.2.1. I've a few other work arounds for the PowerMac context as well. For example: downloaded release and snapshot installations do not reliably boot such PowerMacs but instead frequently hang during boot. (The frequency may depend on the amount of RAM.)
> I'll let you know how the updated devel/gcc6-devel goes for my style of powerpc64 environment.
> If a devel/gcc6 appears I'll likely build it at some point.
>> Steve
> ===
> Mark Millard
> markmi at dsl-only.net
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