OpenJDK for PowerPC64

Steve Wills swills at
Fri Oct 30 13:30:28 UTC 2015

I recently tried to build lang/gcc on powerpc with the JAVA option on
and got what I think are similar errors with libtool. If you could
provide a patch for what you had to change to get it to work, that'd be
most appreciated. It built fine without the JAVA option, but I did have
to turn on the BOOTSTRAP option in both cases to get it to build on
powerpc. Though it does add a considerable amount of build time, I think
something like this in lang/gcc:


might be called for.

If we can get the JAVA stuff working, I might even consider making that
default if that would mean it would be usable as a bootstrap for
lang/openjdk[78]. Or maybe we leave it off by default, but use it to
build a powerpc version of java/bootstrap-openjdk.


On 10/29/2015 18:54, Curtis Hamilton wrote:
> It's been a while, but I'll have to take a look and see if I documented the
> changes I made, other than adding java to the list of the build languages in
> the "Makefile".  Changing the makefile was simple, but I remember that not
> every version of GCC would build GCJ.  GCC48 and GCC49 failed with internal
> compiler errors.  I was able to build with GCC47 and GCC5, but there was an
> issue during stage 3 of each build with libtool errors.   To get past this
> error I had to make changes to the build order of the GCJ libraries.
> Curtis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: chmeeedalf at [mailto:chmeeedalf at] On Behalf Of Justin
> Hibbits
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 12:11 PM
> To: Curtis Hamilton <hamiltcl at>
> Cc: FreeBSD PowerPC ML <freebsd-ppc at>
> Subject: Re: OpenJDK for PowerPC64
> Thanks!  Did you need to patch anything for gcc to build java, or did you
> need to just tell it to build?  I remember when I started looking at it a
> few years ago there were some things needed, but I can't recall what I did.
> It's not difficult to add java to the port for powerpc, so if your changes
> were trivial, or you had no changes, that could be a good first step for us
> to add this to the ports tree.
> - Justin
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Curtis Hamilton <hamiltcl at>
> wrote:
>> I don't have a wiki page.  My initial success was in building the 
>> mercurial
>> OpenJDK7 BSD-Port, using the attached build script and instructions 
>> obtained from the OpenJDK Wiki Darwin9Build
>> ( section.
>> Subsequently, I used information from the arm patch to modify the 
>> ports Makefile and build the ports distribution.  Other than what's in 
>> the make file patch, no other patches were needed, as I used the 
>> mercurial build as the bootstrap.
>> The key for non-x86 builds is the bootstrap.  I used the GCC java 
>> tools and created a bootstrap (/usr/local/bootstrap-openjdk) using sym
> links to the
>> GCC java executables in /usr/local/bin.   I can provide more details if
>> needed, however, building GCC java was not as straight forward as it 
>> is not a configurable option for non-x86 GCC builds.  I had to modify 
>> the port Makefile.
>> Regards,
>> Curtis
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: chmeeedalf at [mailto:chmeeedalf at] On Behalf Of 
>> Justin Hibbits
>> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2015 3:26 PM
>> To: Curtis Hamilton <hamiltcl at>
>> Cc: FreeBSD PowerPC ML <freebsd-ppc at>
>> Subject: Re: OpenJDK for PowerPC64
>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Curtis Hamilton 
>> <hamiltcl at>
>> wrote:
>>> Here is my contribution to all those interested in keeping the 
>>> PowerPC relevant.  I've been successful in building OpenJDK7 using 
>>> Zero VM for PPC64.  The binaries for openjdk7 for powerpc64 can be 
>>> found at the below
>>> URL:
>>> s
>>> p=shar
>>> ing
>>> Give them a try and provide any feedback to the list.
>>> Enjoy!
>>> BTW: OpenJDK8 may soon be on the way!
>> That's fantastic!  I'll try this soon on my G5.  Do you have any wiki 
>> page with build steps, or even better a port change to add this to ports?
>> - Justin
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