FreeBSD on an IBM Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at
Sat Nov 14 17:49:54 UTC 2015

Blast. Can you try this?

boot /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002/disk at 8400000000000000,0:,\boot\loader

You could also try deleting the ,0 and adding a 1 or a 2 between the : and then , at the end. Thanks for the real-time debugging here. The CD boot code was built for PowerKVM and apparently they don't find bootable media the same way.

On 11/14/15 02:58, Pascal Drecker wrote:
> Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I got the following error if I try to
> boot from your image.
> -Pascal
> VSCSI Node Menu
> VSCSI Node String: /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. List Attached VSCSI Devices
> 2. Select a VSCSI Device
> 3. Enable/Disable VSCSI Adapter Debug flags
> q - Quit/Exit
> ==> 2
> 1. 8100000000000000 - 15360 MB Disk drive
> 2. 8400000000000000 - CDROM drive
> Select a VSCSI Device : 2
> VSCSI Device Menu
> VSCSI Target Address ==> 8400000000000000
> VSCSI Device String: /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002/disk at 8400000000000000,0:0
> VSCSI Device: CDROM drive
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   1. Display Inquiry Data
>   2. Spin up Drive
>   3. Spin down Drive
>   4. Continuous random Reads ( hit any key to stop )
>   5. Enable/Disable Device Debug flags
> 98. Boot from this Device
>   q - Quit/Exit
> ==> 98
> \
> Detected bad memory access to address: fffffffffffffffe
> Package path = /packages/utilities
> Hit a key to continue...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Whitehorn [mailto:nwhitehorn at]
> Sent: Donnerstag, 12. November 2015 22:33
> To: Pascal Drecker <pascal at>; freebsd-ppc at
> Subject: Re: FreeBSD on an IBM Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)
> Can you try the image at
> -Nathan
> On 11/09/15 04:09, Pascal Drecker wrote:
>> I can get into the Open Firmware Prompt.
>> #####################################################################
>> 1) vios
>> $ lsmap -vadapter vhost2
>> SVSA            Physloc                                      Client
>> Partition ID
>> --------------- --------------------------------------------
>> ------------------
>> vhost2          U8202.E4D.21F0FBV-V1-C15                     0x00000004
>> VTD                   vtopt1
>> Status                Available
>> LUN                   0x8400000000000000
>> Backing device        cd0
>> Physloc               U78AA.001.WZSL43C-P2-D9
>> Mirrored              N/A
>> VTD                   vtscsi2
>> Status                Available
>> LUN                   0x8100000000000000
>> Backing device        vdiskFBSD10
>> Physloc
>> Mirrored              N/A
>> VTD                   vtusbdd0
>> Status                Available
>> LUN                   0x8200000000000000
>> Backing device        usbms0
>> Physloc               U78AA.001.WZSL43C-D1-T1-L1
>> Mirrored              N/A
>> #####################################################################
>> 2) open firmware prompt => trying to boot from cd (ISO: 10.2 Release
>> and
>> CURRENT_2015-10-23)
>> 0 > ioinfo
>> This tool gives you information about SCSI,IDE,SATA,SAS,and USB
>> devices attached to the system
>> Select a tool from the following
>>    1. SCSIINFO
>>    2. IDEINFO
>>    3. SATAINFO
>>    4. SASINFO
>>    5. USBINFO
>>    6. FCINFO
>>    7. VSCSIINFO
>> q - quit/exit
>> ==> 7
>> VSCSIINFO Main Menu
>> Select a VSCSI Node from the following list:
>>     #  Location Code                Pathname
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>     1. U8202.E4D.21F0FBV-V4-C2-T1   /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002
>>     q - Quit/Exit
>> ==> 1
>> VSCSI Node Menu
>> VSCSI Node String: /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1. List Attached VSCSI Devices
>> 2. Select a VSCSI Device
>> 3. Enable/Disable VSCSI Adapter Debug flags
>> q - Quit/Exit
>> ==> 2
>> 1. 8100000000000000 - 15360 MB Disk drive 2. 8200000000000000 - 1911
>> MB Disk drive 3. 8400000000000000 - CDROM drive
>> Select a VSCSI Device : 3
>> VSCSI Device Menu
>> VSCSI Target Address ==> 8400000000000000 VSCSI Device String:
>> /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002/disk at 8400000000000000,0:0
>> VSCSI Device: CDROM drive
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    1. Display Inquiry Data
>>    2. Spin up Drive
>>    3. Spin down Drive
>>    4. Continuous random Reads ( hit any key to stop )
>>    5. Enable/Disable Device Debug flags 98. Boot from this Device
>>    q - Quit/Exit
>> ==> 98
>> \
>> Detected bad memory access to address: fffffffffffffffe Package path =
>> /packages/utilities FAILED TO BOOT FROM DEVICE
>> Hit a key to continue...
>> #####################################################################
>> 3) open firmware prompt => trying to boot from usb (IMG: 10.2 Release
>> and
>> CURRENT_2015-10-23)
>> VSCSI Node Menu
>> VSCSI Node String: /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1. List Attached VSCSI Devices
>> 2. Select a VSCSI Device
>> 3. Enable/Disable VSCSI Adapter Debug flags
>> q - Quit/Exit
>> ==> 2
>> 1. 8100000000000000 - 15360 MB Disk drive 2. 8200000000000000 - 1911
>> MB Disk drive 3. 8400000000000000 - CDROM drive
>> Select a VSCSI Device : 2
>> VSCSI Device Menu
>> VSCSI Target Address ==> 8200000000000000 VSCSI Device String:
>> /vdevice/v-scsi at 30000002/disk at 8200000000000000,0:0
>> VSCSI Device: 1911 MB Disk drive
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    1. Display Inquiry Data
>>    2. Spin up Drive
>>    3. Spin down Drive
>>    4. Continuous random Reads ( hit any key to stop )
>>    5. Enable/Disable Device Debug flags 98. Boot from this Device
>>    q - Quit/Exit
>> ==> 98
>> Hit a key to continue...
>> #####################################################################
>> Unfortunately I do not know how to directly start the loader from cd.
>> -Pascal
>> PS: I'm a IBM Power Systems newbie.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nathan Whitehorn [mailto:nwhitehorn at]
>> Sent: Montag, 9. November 2015 00:47
>> To: freebsd-ppc at; pascal at
>> Subject: Re: FreeBSD on an IBM Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)
>> It sounds like the firmware is not reading the bootinfo.txt correctly
>> for some reason. Can you get to a Open Firmware prompt? The boot
>> loader is in \boot\loader on the CD. Otherwise, I can send you a test
> image.
>> -Nathan
>> On 11/08/15 14:06, Pascal Drecker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I like to install FreeBSD on an IBM Virtual I/O Server (VIOS).
>>> The current VIOS version (v2.2.3.50 - Standard Edition) is installed
>>> and VIOS is running on an IBM Power 720 Express (Model 8202-E4D).
>>> The following operating systems are successfully installed using the
>>> dvd-ram
>>> drive:
>>> *	IBM i V7R2
>>> *	AIX 7.1
>>> *	Ubuntu 14.04
>>> *	Ubuntu 15.10
>>> Every-time I try to boot FreeBSD from the dvd-ram I got the following
>>> message:
>>> .----------------------------------.
>>> | No Operating Systems Installed   |
>>> `----------------------------------'
>>> I tested the following images:
>>> *	FreeBSD-9.3-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso
>>> *	FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso
>>> *	FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso
>>> *	FreeBSD-11.0-CURRENT-powerpc-powerpc64-20151023-r289846-bootonly.iso
>>> The IBM Power 720 Express has an Power7+. The processor compatibility
>>> modes "POWER6", "POWER6+" and "POWER7" are already tested.
>>> Has anybody an idea?
>>> Thank you for replies,
>>> Pascal
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