Apache OpenOffice on FreeBSD-ppc (was Re: LibreOffice 4)

Justin Hibbits chmeeedalf at gmail.com
Wed May 20 03:06:20 UTC 2015

Hi Pedro,

This is great!  Unfortunately, it's difficult to test, since openjdk
doesn't yet build for powerpc.  I tried in the past, but gave up when
hitting basic roadblocks (at one point, probably even now still, it
required a bootstrap jdk running on x86, which I just don't have).  If
only there were about 70 more hours in a day, to work on this.

- Justin

On 05/19/15 19:49, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
> Hello guys;
> Just thought I'd update this old thread ...
> I did merge into upstream OpenOffice the bare-bones support
> for FreeBSD powerpc [1].
> It is untested, I am pretty sure you will have to do changes so that
> it finds openjdk(?) but editors/openoffice-devel should have what
> you need to get started.
> Hope that helps,
> Pedro.
> [1]
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1608245
> On 01/25/14 11:49, Justin Hibbits wrote:
>> On Sat, 25 Jan 2014 16:18:23 +0000
>> Alexey Dokuchaev <danfe at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 09:45:29PM -0500, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
>>>> My recommendation is to start from 4.0.1 and then upstream your
>>>> changes (it should not be difficult). For PPC you can, of course,
>>>> borrow heavily from linux-ppc. Here is an old guide that may help:
>>>> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Lazy_Hackers_Guide_To_Porting
>>> Thanks; I'll certainly take a look; right now I'm still fighting with
>>> X11 problems on PPC and Clang-builds on -CURRENT/i386.
>> Clang isn't quite complete for ppc32 (it mostly works, with some
>> issues, on ppc64, those are being worked out).  For C++11 features, and
>> better support in general, I'd recommend gcc48.
>> As for X11 problems, what problems are you having?  Nathan fixed
>> building WITH_NEW_XORG and has a patch floating around, I believe he
>> filed a couple PRs on it, too.
>> - Justin

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