Testing an Open Firmware interrupt-map patch

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Mon Dec 14 19:47:06 UTC 2015

On 12/14/2015 08:46, Andrew Turner wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for testers for a patch to update how we parse the
> interrupt-map property to follow the ePAPR spec. This property is
> commonly used with PCIe controllers.
> The current code doesn't take the parent address size property. When
> this is non-zero we need to also read these values. This is needed on
> an arm64 board I have as the interrupt parent has memory-mapped
> children so needs this to be set.
> I have a patch at [1] to add this, however would like it if this could
> be tested on other platforms using this code to check it doesn't break
> these platforms before I commit it.
> I welcome feedback on this patch as I would like to commit this soon.

Built a kernel with this and it booted fine. Though my kernel is a bit
old (r290126) and has another minor change . Is there any other testing
you're looking for?


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