FreeBSD 10.2 freezes in my PowerMac G5 Late 2005!

Bill Sorenson instructionset at
Mon Aug 24 13:29:46 UTC 2015

Well I'm fairly convinced you aren't having the problem that plagued me.
I'd probably try the 32-bit powerpc 10.2 installer or an 11-CURRENT PPC64
snapshot. Back in the 9.1 days I had an issue with the fan speed control
not working and my G5's would overheat and reboot but I believe that was
fixed before 10.0 so I doubt that is a problem now.

If you're using a different hard disk for FreeBSD than for the working OS
X, it might be worth checking the disk. If you have a PC laying around you
can use a tool called MHDD that works fairly well for testing disks.

On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 3:51 PM, miltoncsl via freebsd-ppc <
freebsd-ppc at> wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> The computer worked all night and It did not have problems! Now, whether
> you
> think that the computer must work more time for really be tested or you
> have
> others tests for to do in computer then tell me!!
> I am sending printscreens that show the processor checking that I did in
> Mac
> OS X.
> Screen_Sharing_Picture_August_22,_2015_at_22.png
> <
> >
> Screen_Sharing_Picture_August_22,_2015_at_22.png
> <
> >
> --
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