FreeBSD 10.2 freezes in my PowerMac G5 Late 2005!

Bill Sorenson instructionset at
Sat Aug 22 20:44:48 UTC 2015

I own 3 G5s, 2 water cooled 2.5GHz ones and an air cooled 2.0. My air
cooled one has had motherboard issues, replaced it twice. The system will
freeze and the fans will ramp up to full. Sometimes it will boot and only
find 1 CPU. I believe it to be a problem with the north bridge chip.

In short, I'd see how it runs under OS X or Debian for a day or 2 before
you decide it's a FreeBSD issue if you haven't yet done so.
On Aug 22, 2015 3:40 PM, "Justin Hibbits" <jrh29 at> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 12:49 PM, miltoncsl via freebsd-ppc
> <freebsd-ppc at> wrote:
> > I recently bought one PowerMac G5 2.0 Ghz late 2005 and I tried to
> install
> > FreeBSD 10.2 PowerPC-PowerPC64 in It ! The process of installation
> sometimes
> > was made without any problem! However, at all times when I boot and
> logged
> > into the system, in less than one minute the computer has stopped to work
> > (it freeze)!!
> > I performed the instructions of the site
> > indicated by
> member
> > group Andreas Tieben but nothing worked!!
> > I also tried to Install from pendrive of the memstick image of the
> PowerPC
> > and PowerPC-PowerPC64 but also did not work!!
> > I do not see anything wrong when I use Mac OS X Leopard that prevents the
> > computer of the operating properly?
> > What might be happening? What can I do to solve this problem? What can I
> do
> > to discovery that cause this in my computer?
> I had this same exact problem on my late 2005 DC 2.0GHz G5, when I
> tried installing FreeBSD on it about 5 years ago (early days of 64-bit
> powerpc support).  I never did find the cause of the problem, but my
> late 2005 DC 2.3GHz G5 (same generation, just the faster model) works
> well with FreeBSD (typing this from it, it's my primary machine).
> Yet, to the best of my knowledge, the only difference between the two
> models is the CPU and bus clock speed.
> - Justin
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